Gingko replied to the topic Where do you tea-socialize most online? in the forum Tea Conversations 11 years, 10 months ago
I can’t handle too many accounts and constantly forget essential login information :-p
Gingko replied to the topic Too much information… in the forum Tea News and Information 11 years, 11 months ago
Too some degree it can be very true. But everything is relative. A farmer’s tea in a bad year can be better than another farmer’s tea from a good year. A farmer’s lower grade tea can be better than another […]
Gingko replied to the topic A Simple 90 Min Exercise For Planning Out Months of Great Posts in the forum Tea Conversations 11 years, 11 months ago
Ok, call me lazy. But a 90min exercise is not simple :-p
That being said, I think these are all very good advice.
Gingko replied to the topic Clever little steeping device (Kickstarter project) in the forum Tea Conversations 12 years ago
But I could totally visualize many guys would choose kickstarter over kati :-p
Gingko replied to the topic Clever little steeping device (Kickstarter project) in the forum Tea Conversations 12 years ago
It looks cool and definitely more handy than regular metal tea strainer. But am I right it’s $20 each? That’s not a price that I’m willing to pay.
The whole kati system (basically a beautiful mug and a metal strainer, if you wonder what it is) costs only $15, and I got mine with some super good deal discount (I think I bought a tea and got the…[Read more]
Gingko posted a new activity comment 12 years ago
i guess most price inflation in this country is not due to dishonest, but due to charging high service fee, or making package more expensive than fee, or having high operational cost due to advertisement costs. a $20 tea could easily be honestly worth $100 if the shop were opened at the 5th ave. in NYC, and the owner would go bankruptcy if they…[Read more]
Gingko replied to the topic in the forum Gingko 12 years ago
i just did it 😉
any thoughts on the placebo article? somehow it made me think of some tea (price) effects all the way :-p
Gingko posted an update 12 years ago
@jackie update with an interesting article about placebo effect. it’s really a lot more than the placebo effect people usually talk about… and if you have heard enough about expensive teas, probably you can relate it to tea! 😉 http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/99532.php
Thanks @gingkoseto – I think @xavier and @bram would find this interesting too. Are you saying that (artificially) expensive tea makes the consumer believe the tea has got to be worth more and taste better?-
People seem to have the intuition (me include, though I’m often, but not always able to correct it) that price is based on honest markers. So better quality, more rare, harder to get/produce etc. If the market was honest this would usually be a justified reasoning. Unfortunately this is not always the case. I would expect that the placebo effect…[Read more]
i guess most price inflation in this country is not due to dishonest, but due to charging high service fee, or making package more expensive than fee, or having high operational cost due to advertisement costs. a $20 tea could easily be honestly worth $100 if the shop were opened at the 5th ave. in NYC, and the owner would go bankruptcy if they…[Read more]
Gingko replied to the topic Compare: "Teavana vs Adagio Teas" in the forum Tea Conversations 12 years ago
As for comparison of the two companies, I haven’t tried either seller’s tea but like Adagio a lot better, partially influenced by tea communities and partially due to the properties and styles of the two […]
Gingko replied to the topic Compare: "Teavana vs Adagio Teas" in the forum Tea Conversations 12 years ago
where is the writing??? Alex it drove me crazy that nowadays i don’t know where you write! i added your new blog site but still feel i missed a lot of stuff!
Gingko replied to the topic in the forum Gingko 12 years, 4 months ago
*I feel tea gurus and tea masters are often very vague concepts. Probably one of the few places where it’s not vague is in Japanese tea ceremony, because the “tea masters” in Japanese tea ceremony must hold some […]
Gingko replied to the topic in the forum Gingko 12 years, 4 months ago
*But your post also makes me think of this. I do believe there is gender prejudices among tea drinkers. Most of them may not even aware of it – a lot of people, more than what we realize, don’t aware their own […]
Gingko replied to the topic in the forum Gingko 12 years, 4 months ago
* I think about half of the Chinese tea vendors I know are females, but for some of them, it’s because the man in the family is responsible for making more money, and the woman would take some more casual, […]
Gingko replied to the topic Uh-oh – Bubble tea kills? in the forum Tea News and Information 12 years, 4 months ago
*I love bubble tea made of real fruit (too bad a lot of them are made of nasty flavorings), but usually I don’t take the little balls with it.
Gingko replied to the topic Tea Trade Ladies Hangout on G+ in the forum Support and Feedback 12 years, 4 months ago
*I hope I can join the next hangout! I’ll finish my midterm exams next week and hopefully can have some time breathing 🙂
Gingko replied to the topic Farewell Gongfu ceremony, hail the machine? in the forum Tea News and Information 12 years, 4 months ago
*Yeah! It looks almost like an American style coffee maker!I feel this kind of things would mainly fool Chinese, who don’t use a coffee maker and see it as novel and fancy. I bet this is by far not as good as […]
Gingko replied to the topic Expos and Festivals What Do You Think? in the forum Support and Feedback 12 years, 5 months ago
* The wedding show I attended was actually pretty good. I didn’t pay for it. But I thought even if I paid for it, the numerous wedding cake and chocolate fountain tastings were sort of worth it. So I guess getting […]
Gingko replied to the topic Expos and Festivals What Do You Think? in the forum Support and Feedback 12 years, 5 months ago
* @bram I think if it’s basically commercial promotion event, then it should be free, and should have free gifts for people to be advertised on. But that’s just what I think. People are paying for tickets of these […]
Gingko replied to the topic Expos and Festivals What Do You Think? in the forum Support and Feedback 12 years, 5 months ago
*Now you’ve got me started… :-pI would like to see more tea shows and tea festivals. But I absolutely HATE it when they charge admission, especially when the event is basically about promotion and advertising […]
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