Site-Wide Activity Forums Support and Feedback Why isn't the domain mapping working on my site?

4 replies, 4 voices Last updated by lazyliteratus 9 years, 1 month ago
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    • #11897


      Hi all,

      I’m trying to add my site to the list of Tea Trade websites. However, even though I’m using the domain mapping tool to redirect to, the new posts I’m writing at are not showing up in the “Steaming Tea” feed.

      Can anyone explain why that is? It appears that other domain-mapped sites, like Steep Stories by @lazyliteratus and Sororitea Sisters posts by @teaequalsbliss and @scheherazade are having their posts show up just fine in the feed even though both sites have separate .com domains instead of the hosted blogs that Tea Trade offers.

      Thanks in advance for any help!

    • #11898


      Hi, all blog posts that you see here in our feed are indeed hosted by Tea Trade, even though their blogs have their own domain names. So, that is why Lazy’s and Sororiteasisters’ posts and comments are in our stream. They have been with us for years.
      You can certainly keep your domain name, as long as it is hosted on Tea Trade. We don’t permit mapping to an external website simply because we are trying to promote our Tea Trade bloggers. Tea Trade is a network of tea sites, all hosted on and part of Tea Trade itself, this is why the new blog posts show up in our activity stream. Everything is connected here, even if you had the domain mapping linking out to your external site, your blog posts wouldn’t automatically show up here.

      However, we warmly welcome new bloggers here and you can certainly have your own (non Tea Trade branded) domain name. If you are interesting in being part of the Tea Trade blogs, we can certainly help you migrate your existing website onto Tea Trade and help you get domain name setup to work with Tea Trade. You wouldn’t lose anything but would gain by having your site as part of the longest running and largest network of tea bloggers on the internet.

      Jackie & Pete

    • #11900


      Hi Jackie,

      Ok, that makes a lot of sense – I figured that those two sites were self-hosted because they had separate domains.

      I think I’m just going to stick with my current setup rather than migrating over to TeaTrade’s hosting, if that’s okay – it’s working for me in all other respects.

    • #11901


      @booksandteacv I understand, thanks. If you change your mind, or want me to have a look at your site, I’ll be happy to help you out with anything. I am a professional (part-time) WordPress consultant. I built Tea Trade years ago and keep it online out of love for the project. It’s not going anywhere. The stability here is excellent (and only gotten better, I also have plans to improve other aspects of it too). Keep in mind that the @sororiteasisters blog is the most prolific tea blog on the internet, we’re happy to say that they’ve trusted with their site since the beginning of Tea Trade.

      If you have concerns about who would be looking after your site, you can find out more about me and the other work I’ve done here: and here:

      In short, in hosting on Tea Trade, you get an experienced expert looking after your site, and maintaining it (for free!).

    • #11902


      Talk to @Peter

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