Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Conversations Where do you tea-socialize most online?

12 replies, 12 voices Last updated by Anonymous 11 years, 10 months ago
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    • #9977


      Aside from here of course – because naturally you all spend most of your time reading fellow sipper’s blogs, and browsing the forums. So, taking out Tea Trade, where else do you go for tea talk with friends? Twitter, G+, facebook, steepster? Does anyone use Pinterest still?
      As for me, twitter tops the list, G+ comes in a slooow second. I love twitter, I have all Tea Traders in a “Tea Trade Members” list and catch up with your tweets there.
      Anyway, over to you…

    • #9979


      Twitter and G+ are my top places. I’ve also been frequenting the tea board on Reddit lately. I use Pinterest and Steepster to a lesser extent. Facebook is my least favorite. I have a page for my blog but the benefits are minimal since Facebook stopped showing your posts to everyone that likes the page.

    • #9980


      Tea Trade (of course), Twitter second, and – until it went under – Portland Tea Enthusiasts’ Alliance HQ. Unfortunately, I have very little opportunity to socialize in real life with regard to tea.

    • #9981

      Robert Godden

      Twitter globally, Facebook locally, G+ is maily with other tea bloggers and steepster occasionally. Tea Trade dauly

    • #9982


      Well I am on Steepster daily with reviews and messages, I try to post a blog entry on Tea Trade at least once a week and I have Twitter and FB but rarely use them mostly because I keep forgetting to.

    • #9983


      You will find me on Twitter and G+. Facebook occasionally, Pinterest maybe once a month.

    • #9987


      I can’t handle too many accounts and constantly forget essential login information :-p

    • #9990


      Here for the blog and to read other blogs. Facebook to post the blog posts there and on Twitter. I think I’m on Twitter the most. I don’t keep track that well to tell you the truth.

    • #9991


      Twitter and G+

    • #9992


      What? Being social? How?

      TT and a littlebit reddit.

    • #9993


      Thanks everyone for your input. Taking Tea Trade out of the equation – because we all use that, it looks like twitter probably wins. I think everyone except @Bram has a twitter account. I like reddit but rarely remember to go there. G+ seems to be very slow on the tea front. As @thedevotea said, it’s mainly for chat with other tea people, but most of them are on twitter, or here, so I don’t get much new out of it. Certainly G+ isn’t a happening place for me. I’ve gone off the communities there, maybe because they are too large to function as real communities. As to Pinterest, I don’t like their new design, and have used it much less since they implemented it. I’m fond of twitter though, it was my first large-scale social online tea experience.

    • #10003


      I might be the only one, but I’m over in reddit at fairly often.

      Warning though, sometimes a small group are elitist and snobbish, sometimes the people that come through tout Teavana as the best. This thread,, delineates the problems fairly well.

      I encourage everyone to use reddit though. we could use some more quality submission, and even submissions in general.

      Sometimes I use Yelp, but the city I’m in don’t really drink anything but southern iced tea. Unfortunate.

    • #10046


      Other than here I will say Twitter and G+ with limited interaction on Steepster. I say “limited” because for me Steepter isn’t always where I interact with others but rather a place I go to primarily for tea reviews and possible “discussion” topics.

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