Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea News and Information The Book of Korean Tea

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Gingko 12 years, 8 months ago
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    • #7018


      If you are interested in tea cultures, here’s a book that explores that of Korea. The book of Korean Tea Embellished with many pictures of tea drinking, tea gardens and traditional Korean art, it also includes tea poetry and promises to be an interesting introduction to traditional tea practices in Korea. It’s available on Amazon here:

    • #7027


      Nice book. Easy reading, maybe sometimes to easy. As far as I can tell the information is good.

      My expectations were higher, but I’m not disappointed.

      It also contains the translation of 2 Korean tea classics.

    • #7028


      I have this book too, and have read part of it. I love it! I have this one and a few other Korean books in English. Their contents are interesting and printing quality is amazing!

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