Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Conversations How make a great tea blog

4 replies, 3 voices Last updated by riccaicedo 10 years, 11 months ago
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    • #9837


      I follow a lot of the resource blogs around the internet that talk about how to blog and give tips about things to do and try to keep readers coming back. I often come across great articles that I want to share and had originally planned to start doing write ups on the main Tea Trade about the topic. Instead of doing that, I decided that having a dedicated forum to talk about the art of tea blogging. We certainly have some real experts around here, but having a place to talk about it, share tips, articles and other websites that not only give good advice, but also are good examples of great blogging.

      Anyhow, share your ideas and finds in this forum, tell us what you do that makes your blog successful and let everyone know when you stumble across a great article about blogging in general that other Tea Trade bloggers can use.

      I look forward to an active discussion about the art of tea blogging!

    • #9844


      @peter which blog would you say is an example of a great tea blog?

    • #10380


      To make a great blog, or better yet how to continue with blogging (on-going) post after post is liken to a thread and with that come a yarn and perhaps if one gets good at it, this then becomes a rope; in that it is useful=purpose and meaning which leads to longevity=permanence.

      It is not so much how to make a great tea blog, because there are too many out there and one cannot possibly know which source are genuine or copied etc., instead stay true to what you have stated to doing. Think of this as watching a television show, in time this become a favorite. ..rushing home to view it and taping it when missed. But once the story line does not hold true or starts to shift focus than, you, the audience might decide it is time to stop watching this program.

      I must also add that I, myself am not a good blogger. I keep at this because I am not employed and I will probably stop one day.

      Oh well, happy blogging to all!


    • #10386


      @Riccaicedo – I forgot all about this thread…

      One of the bloggers around here that sets a great standard for great blogging is It is run by @liberteas, but what makes it great her blogging habits. After years of blogging, she still does right and according to our statistics, it gets more visits that any part of Tea Trade. Much of the visits the site gets are first time visitors and they finding the site from older posts. Keep in mind that there are over 2300 published posts on that site.

      The question is, what makes it great? The answer if liberteas blogging habits. I asked her once how she does it and she explained to me that she only blogs on Sundays as part of her tea ritual. She has spent a lot of time collecting teas over the years and Sundays are her day to relax with them and write about them. You really wouldn’t know this because she publishes posts every day. Remember, daily, or regular publishing is something that Google absolutely loves. It indicates an active website and one that is changing regularly. Google has rewarded liberteas for her work and the site often shows up in the first page of many tea-specific searches.

      Liberteas habit is to write on Sundays, but use the schedule post feature of WordPress to ensure that a steady stream of posts is published throughout the week. Her discipline in writing regularly and using the built-in features as leverage makes her blog appear far busier than it actually is and it makes it look like she is slaving away daily, instead of enjoying relaxing Sunday afternoons with a few cups of tea. In short, her practice is brilliant and her dedication has paid off. Sororitea sisters is perhaps the most prolific tea blog on the internet today, largely because liberteas didn’t burn herself out and was able to establish a disciplined and sustainable blogging habit. She doesn’t blog out of spontaneity  like so many of us do, she blogs out of habit and dedication.

      • #10400


        Definitely a great blog, regularity and discipline really pay off in the long run!

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