Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Conversations Bloggers must-read! :)

6 replies, 4 voices Last updated by Robert Godden 12 years, 3 months ago
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    • #6127


      Ha, love this. For all you bloggers out there, on – they have a lot of brilliant stuff.

    • #6131


      @cazort aka Alex, people might be kinder on your blog, but on twitter, you see people getting worked up over things like that all the time. The “your/you’re” mistake is so common, but I don’t get why it bothers people so terribly. It’s an incredibly easy mistake to make when you’re typing fast. As to those who really don’t know the difference, I don’t need to get mad at them for that either. I’m not saddling up my high horse over things like that.

    • #6133


      Fascinating stuff..When I see “your going out” it doesn’t phase me because it sounds the same when I read that sentence to myself. I notice it, but it doesn’t matter.
      On the other hand misspelling big words is different. Well, for small words I’m not fond of people misspelling “friend”. You quite often see “freind”. It’s not a big deal, but I’m more inclined there to think, “shouldn’t you know that word by now” – than when I see “your going out”. With the latter, most likely it’s a genuine mistake, because someone typed too fast. It could happen to me too. But then I’d feel odd going back and saying “sorry, I meant you’re”  because I know – you know what I meant.

    • #8081

      Robert Godden

      *My brain is immaculate.

      My fingers constantly let me down.

    • #8083


      Very brilliant. However, if they were tweeting, the rule would’ve been the exact opposite.

    • #8088


      *Hehe read this after being corrected on my grammar on Twitter. Hopefully the grammar police will let me off with a warning… 🙂

    • #8089

      Robert Godden

      * This explains why Rachel has a moat around her house. To foil the angry mob.

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