• seule771 posted an update 12 years, 8 months ago

    I have been trying to visit more tea shops when able to get there and to have some cash for making a purchase. I did visit a New Hampshire tea shop with husband at toe. He was busy sampling things while I try to look around; had no idea he was sticking things in his mouth, bit amusing. Grown man nibbling/sampling, it is free so help yourself.

    Anyhow, the place where this shop resides is made of money it seems; property is large but tea shop is very small (two rooms) and the owner travels extensively it seems for lecturing and Afternoon Tea events etc.

    I am just not sure if this tea shop is representative of the state of New Hampshire; if it reflects who they are.

    I hope to visit Maine next; not sure when. Again money is an issue.

    It seems you tea folks are very wealthy and I am fortunate to be amongst you.

    • Wealthy? Not really but we are fortunate to be among people of good reputation, in another word, tea drinkers/lovers 😛