AJ commented on the post, Tea in Quarantine, on the site 4 years, 10 months ago
Oops, I just realized I posted a dead link. Here it is in action:
With no tea, but you get the gist. Once it’s properly cleaned up maybe I’ll do another video.
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 4 years, 10 months ago
Tea in Quarantine
In 1939 the British government expected airstrikes from Germany. So they devised a slogan to keep up civilian moral: Keep Calm and Carry On. There were signs Continue reading
AJ posted an update 4 years, 11 months ago
Hhhuh. Teatra.de’s posting a bit odd and out of order.
AJ commented on the post, Book: Tea. T, Eden, on the site 5 years ago
Unfortunately, I couldn’t compare them face to face as I checked them out from different libraries… I did go over my notes, photos and memories of Tea Growing, though. I’ll have to go out and check both of them out some time to give a proper review.
Maybe I’ll wait until I come across a few more books on the subject.
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 5 years ago
The best thing about this entire self-quarantine is that all checkout times from the library have been greatly extended and I rarely leave my apartment anyways, so I’m hoarding these books.
So the Festival […] -
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 5 years ago
I picked this up from the public library. Unfortunately the last person to have it decided to write in it with a black felt pen of all things. And I know it was recent because in the margins where they decided to […]
Did you try comparing the different books you read on the tea topic?
Unfortunately, I couldn’t compare them face to face as I checked them out from different libraries… I did go over my notes, photos and memories of Tea Growing, though. I’ll have to go out and check both of them out some time to give a proper review.
Maybe I’ll wait until I come across a few more books on the subject.
AJ commented on the post, Teaser…, on the site 5 years ago
Weird old article hunts like this is what I live for.
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 5 years, 2 months ago
I found this one poking around a used bookstore (in about… 2017? 2016? I’m behind). It’s a slim, unassuming volume, and I picked it up with a few others after flipping through it. I was struck by the Table […]
AJ commented on the post, Book: Tea Art of China, on the site 5 years, 3 months ago
This one definitely doesn’t lay the information out in organized “bite sizes”. It doesn’t flow like a classic guide–in the way that most guides are sort of designed to be easily referencable.
It more flows like a story, focusing on the author’s favourite topics and areas of expertise.
It’s definitely a bit limited compared to traditional…[Read more]
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 5 years, 3 months ago
This was a book I received back at 2017’s Vancouver Tea Festival. The author had a booth at the event, and I also attended her talk on the different tea-growing regions of China.
I never really spoke to her […]
Apart from the last chapter, what are the differences with other “similar” tea guides or tea culture guides?
This one definitely doesn’t lay the information out in organized “bite sizes”. It doesn’t flow like a classic guide–in the way that most guides are sort of designed to be easily referencable.
It more flows like a story, focusing on the author’s favourite topics and areas of expertise.
It’s definitely a bit limited compared to traditional “guides”, and you sort of have to dig to find the interesting bits of unique information that aren’t just repeated from other works.
AJ commented on the post, Scented Orange Pekoe, on the site 5 years, 8 months ago
Oh no, it’s just as cool and interesting as it sounds. It’s a huge, OLD ledger with so much history. They could pay me just to sit and flip through it.
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 5 years, 10 months ago
Scented Orange PekoeWorking at Murchie’s has been fun both on a tea-blending side, but also in that it allows me to scratch my Tea History itch. For those not w Continue reading
AJ replied to the topic Disappearing Drafts in the forum Tea Conversations 5 years, 10 months ago
Same boat. I’ve had the problem for well over a year now. There was an attempt to see if they were related to my other account problems (being unable to edit my profile or change my Display Name, and my bio no longer inserting on my blog), but no luck. Just sort of… stuck in limbo.
It’s been a bit of a drag for posting, since reformatting from…[Read more]
AJ commented on the post, Vancouver Tea Festival 2018, on the site 6 years, 3 months ago
As someone who doesn’t really drink, I don’t see the appeal either. I’m sure there are flavour combos that must work. Or alcohols that do well in hot beverages.
AJ changed their profile picture 6 years, 3 months ago
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 6 years, 3 months ago
Vancouver Tea Festival 2018
The Vancouver Tea Festival came upon me again, and I almost forgot about it until I got a text out of the blue from a friend helping organize it. That could Continue reading
What I really found interesting when I hear about tea festivals in other countries is hearing about new products or trends.
However, tea and alcohol? This is a strange mix for me.
As someone who doesn’t really drink, I don’t see the appeal either. I’m sure there are flavour combos that must work. Or alcohols that do well in hot beverages.
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 6 years, 6 months ago
Unfortunately, draft and account problems persist, and I didn’t really have the willpower to completely retype this post in Word knowing that I would have to then reformat it once I pasted it into wordpress… S […]
AJ's profile was updated 6 years, 8 months ago
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 7 years, 4 months ago
Vancouver Tea Festival 2017
Last year we had a pretty chilly winter, and it’s starting to look like this year will be going much the same way. Day One I thought I’d dressed adequately for Continue reading
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 7 years, 5 months ago
Book: The Spirit of Tea
Fear not, a post on Mohammad Mirza is also in the works. I ended up stumbling on a great source in English, so now it’s getting a bit long and needs some Continue reading
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An old tea blender? How does it work?
Oops, I just realized I posted a dead link. Here it is in action:
With no tea, but you get the gist. Once it’s properly cleaned up maybe I’ll do another video.
Yes please do so.
Much belated, but here’s part two:
I want an antique tea blender. I am also an antique tea blender.