• seule771 posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago

    I attended a Herbstalk event in Somerville, MA Arts at the Armory, about two weeks ago. I am always volunteering for things and never a part of anything. I mean when I volunteer I don’t take anything in. I am there to do what is needed to be done while being around attendees of the event.

    This time since I was not volunteering, I was an attendee, I was able to attend several workshops/lectures and sat around those seemingly better than I. I had money (small pennies) with me to purchase a sandwich and soda. I took many photos but for some reason most photos taken were ruined. What was salvage is posted on my blog. My previous blog has mentioning write up for the Herbstalk festivities attended. For viewing if of interest.


    Also, I am registered to walk for the Dana-Farber Cancer Walk, known as the Jimmy Fund Walk. Right now I am my only contributor. I solicit but no bites.


    I completed two walks already: AIDS Walk for AIDS Action Committee; Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger.

    I continue to be a supporter of Mitt Romney, and I will stop once I reach my set goal. There are no countries for me since I do not fit into the scheme of things.

    Currently, I am tasting teas for Fong Mong Tea from Taipei, Taiwan. Fruity Oolongs and Oolong like Dong Ding, named after famous mountain known for its height and moisture *heavy fog* presence which aids in the teas beauty and taste.