Jackie posted an update 9 years, 3 months ago
Nice boys’ hat for @lazyliteratus or @lahikmajoe…?
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peter posted a new activity comment 9 years, 9 months ago
@lazyliteratus I know! I’m holding it it my inbox as a reminder that I need to reply. I’ve not forgotten about you – it has just been an extremely busy week and you deserve a proper response! I try to get back to you about it all this weekend.
No rush, @peter. And no worries. Just making sure.
peter posted an update 9 years, 10 months ago
@lazyliteratus I was looking over your site and I thought to myself that it should be updated with a modern theme. The theme you have is one of our older ones and is not usable on mobile phone. Google is punishing sites that are not mobile-friendly.
I have something in mind that I want to upgrade it to, but I need your permission first. I do…[Read more]
@Peter Sent you a PM.
@lazyliteratus I know! I’m holding it it my inbox as a reminder that I need to reply. I’ve not forgotten about you – it has just been an extremely busy week and you deserve a proper response! I try to get back to you about it all this weekend.
No rush, @peter. And no worries. Just making sure.
Xavier started the topic Caffeine and tea: some more thoughts on it in the forum Tea News and Information 10 years, 1 month ago
I am sure you will remember Gary, yep the Gary @lazyliteratus often speaks about, and here are his latest thoughts on tea and caffeine
How much caffeine is in my tea? -
Xavier posted an update 11 years, 7 months ago
Thinking about my next blog post… Before thinking too much, I should have another cup of tea.
Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago
So, attended a fun online “golden sheep fest” with @iheartteas @jopj @lazyliteratus @teaformeplease and Darlene. I am supposed to write a blog post. It seems like a reasonable goal and a good excuse to write again. Thanks again Rachel for the excellent tea.
Jackie posted an update 12 years, 1 month ago
I”m still a little behind here, the “after-the-mini-vacation-organizing” seems to be taking longer than expected. Enjoyed the latest posts though: @lazyliteratus shared some personal tea moments (don’t miss his non-tea blog entry) @iheartteas‘ newsletter is out, @bestinternationaltea reveals more history, @teaformeplease @liberteas @azzrian have…[Read more]
Jackie posted an update 12 years, 4 months ago
Our man in Portland @lazyliteratus guest blogs for @joysteaspoon . Interesting book review of Timeless by Gail Carriger; “a steampunk yarn with a focus on the supernatural…and tea.”
[bpfb_link url=’http://www.joysteaspoon.com/blog/carp-eyes-coming-timeless’ title=’Carp Eyes Coming – Timeless | Joy’s Teaspoon Blog’ ima…[Read more] -
WHOOHOOO! New achievement!!
Congratulations. Up to the next many.
I just like typing ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED in all caps.
Yep, congrats @lazyliteratus – Worked on the “achievements” a good part of yesterday, and am introducing new ones, including for blogging. I’ll write a post about it when I’m completely done. Just seems time to acknowledge everyone’s input here.
There’re some good ones on there.
Jackie started the topic NYT article "Nobel Savages – A Men's Tea Party" in the forum Tea Conversations 13 years ago
Love the pics here in this older article in the NYT – all the boysz remind me of our Boys of Brewdom; @lahikmajoe @lazyliteratus, @thedevotea et al. Actually one of them looks a bit like Tony of Chicago Tea […]
Jackie posted an update 13 years, 2 months ago
Sort of thing @lazyliteratus might also enjoy, although well, I’m not sure about the tea ; )
[bpfb_video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YVeMoBCTwzg[/bpfb_video] -
Jackie posted an update 13 years, 3 months ago
Dashing through Tea Trade on my way to somewhere. Excited to see @lazyliteratus has a new post. Will read upon my return. Also must look at @liberteas Jun Chiyabari review, because it is one of my favorite teas!
Anyway, just wanted to let you all know that I’m thankful for everyone on here. You all make this place what it is, the most interesting…[Read more] -
Jackie posted an update 13 years, 3 months ago
@lazyliteratus is looking for Russian tea on the forum. The real stuff, grown out there, not a fashionable blend. It got me reading about Russian tea and then I saw this painting by Timofey Myagkov:
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peter posted an update 13 years, 3 months ago
Have been thinking of an alternate history for tea. What if Anna Maria Russell and Robert Fortune were actually lovers? Maybe Robert was sent to China as more of a banishment because of his liason that worked out well for the East India Company?
Okay, I know he’s 30 years older than her, but still, with a some creative license, we might be…[Read more]
I like where your head’s at, @Peter. And considering they made Queen Elizabeth look young in the movie “Golden Age” (when – in actuality – she was, like, *SIXTY* during the time of the Spanish armada)…creative license is authorized.
I think that @thedevotea would make a suitable Robert Fortune (all fired up, determined to find some decent tea at last) and Anna could be, uhm…well, I don’t know… any takers?
Anyone? Anyone at all?-
No, @thedevotea already has a role, he is Charles 2nd Earl Grey.
Of course, there is also this modern take on the dashing adventurer himself — or is that just another @lahikmajoe sighting?!
Gosh it is @lahikmajoe .Exactly how he looked when we saw him in Munich.
And the picture – it was taken on one of those devilish days in ”Poing”
That’s an insider joke-
Before I ate all that cheese maybe…
You all are so special. Thanks for the chuckle this morning
Jackie posted an update 13 years, 4 months ago
Tea from Cameroon! Another new tea for @lazyliteratus to try. Well not just for him. But according to @xavier he is the final frontier man. Either way, it looks like 85% Cameroon’s tea is distributed on the local market, so you’re not likely to find any nearby.
[bpfb_link url=’http://allafrica.com/stories/201111091780.html’ title=’allAfrica.com:…[
Jackie posted an update 13 years, 4 months ago
Good morning! A flying visit to see that we don’t have spammers, and make sure there aren’t any urgent messages. I see @lazyliteratus below me has posted, look forward to reading his new entries when I return.
Jackie posted an update 13 years, 4 months ago
This video is a couple of years old, but it goes well with today’s article that Sochi tea farmers are expanding production!
Because really; “Sochie” – what did you know about that part of the world?
[bpfb_video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1lshshZ9iI&feature=player_embedded#![/bpfb_video] -
Jackie posted an update 13 years, 9 months ago
Via re-nest.com – For you who drink tea & like wine
I . . . would wear that.