• Jackie posted an update 11 years, 7 months ago

    Cool to look at, not likely to become a mass market product:
    [bpfb_link url=’http://www.coroflot.com/cpsdesign/Tea-Kettle’ title=’Tea Kettle by chris scott at Coroflot.com’ image=’http://s3images.coroflot.com/user_files/individual_files/projects/268078_330066_cover_y9hVn0b.jpg’]Mr — darlington, United Kingdom[/bpfb_link]

    • Not very scientific. Putting a heating element in the narrow base to boil the water in a glass cylinder is going to take forever. Not enough surface contact between the water and the heat source. Not to mention all the escaping heat up the long length of the cylinder that the heating element has to compensate for. Now if he had used boiling flasks he might be on to something..http://bit.ly/waKtds

      Good thing its only fantasy tea art.