• Jackie posted an update 12 years, 6 months ago

    As soon as I saw this about the upcoming closing of the Tajik tea salon in Berlin, Germany – I thought of @lahikmajoe – He’ll be sad to hear this. Thankfully we still have his nice blog post about it, with pictures too. As to the news Ken, it’s here: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/25/us-germany-berlin-tajik-idUSBRE83O0Z320120425
    [bpfb_link url=’http://lahikmajoe.com/tag/berlin/’ title=’Berlin – Lahikmajoe Drinks Tea’ image=’http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-IWESwFeGKdc/T15W10LUYXI/AAAAAAAAB5Y/9w5rcKZJfM8/s320/IMG_3580.JPG’]MANCHE TRINKEN AUCH TEE[/bpfb_link]