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  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    How’s everyone’s festive season going? Anyone getting a bit stressed out, or is all honkey dory and you can’t wait to bake a few more hundred cookies and sing Holiday songs?

    • I don’t think people want to break their teeth on my cookies or their ears on my singing 😉
      Festivity stress will arrive soon I think. That is buying presents and going from one activity to the other.

  • Jackie posted a new activity comment 11 years, 10 months ago

    How exciting proud mama @iheartteas – will you be posting any clips? @azzrian are you already on G+? I don’t remember? It would be really nice to have you there!

  • Jackie posted a new activity comment 11 years, 10 months ago

    @azzrian you’d be very welcome too. Like I said, if you’re a “lady” you’re in ; )

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    Reminder @iheartteas @jopj @teapages @teaformeplease @thepurrfectcup @teabytiffany @gingkoseto @verity – our ladies hangout is tomorrow evening at 9:00 EST. All ladies who see this are invited! Gentlemen guest requests taken.

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    @iheartteas – haven’t forgotten about you, just trying to organize everything. See you tomorrow night for our hangout?

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    Tick tock…time is ticking and I can’t hang around. I’m drinking a cup of @iheartteas‘ Sweet Velvet Fog – just the right amount of sweet to get me going…

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    In case you hadn’t heard yet – World Tea East moves to Atlanta…Just wondering, co-locating, does that in any way mean that they aren’t big enough to hold it on their own?
    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’World Tea…[Read more]

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    @tea-author I’m still thinking about your interesting replies below but when you mentioned the word industry it prompted me to take a look at your site and I noticed your Tea Industry MBA. From there I went on to look at the courses, fascinating. Did you take the classes online? Would love to hear more. Anyway, another question did you see our Tea…[Read more]

    • @jackie Our tea MBA courses for the most part are held at Fuzhou University’s School of Management – but we do sometimes have classes off-site (at extra cost) visiting various industries (not all tea-related) while learning very valuable management tools. I’ve found the course to be particularly useful, since I learned so much about Chinese…[Read more]

    • @jackie I took a look at the Tea Industry Q&A site and bookmarked it. Will be nice to see some activity on there; and participate.

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    @lazyliteratus are you okay? Just heard about what happened in the mall in Portland. Hard to imagine something like that in your town. Bit shocked to read that just now.

    • It’s crazy. We hear about this kind of thing other places, and it’s weird that it should happen so close to us. And we can’t escape it on television … all the TV stations have the local news teams covering it.

    • Shows how aware I am. I didn’t even know about it until you mentioned it. No worries. Clackamas Town Center is nowhere near me. Still sucks, though.

  • Jackie posted a new activity comment 11 years, 10 months ago

    You know what @tea-author, I think it was oolong. Not sure where I got that from I’ll go take another look. Could these teas that are not popular in Fujian somehow end up on the US market?

    • @jackie, yeah, I know it was oolong from Fujian province, but which type of oolong? There are Southern Fujian oolongs and Northern Fujian oolongs. The Southern Fujian oolongs are today distinguished by their light roast, hence green color. Most notable of these is Tieguanyin and other Anxi teas such as Huangjingui, Benshan, Maoxie, etc.; and…[Read more]

    • The reason why Tieguanyin had such high MRLs was because it was so wildly popular back in early 2000. I remember in 2006 when I lived in Longyan, the only tea drunk was Tieguanyin – no other teas at all available in that city – all tea stores only sold Tieguanyin. Coming back in 2012, now there’s little Tieguanyin – everyone is drinking everything…[Read more]

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    I will drop this into the Tea News Forum board later but for now I’m adding it here. Interesting article about a large Chinese oolong recall in Japan due to higher than acceptable levels of pesticide.
    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’Japan Firm Recalls China Tea on…[Read more]

    • That’s interesting. The news release didn’t say exactly which type of tea was being recalled; and no info on any Ito En websites either. Don’t know if they took down the recalled teas yet from their website. But the ones they have now – Tieguanyin and related teas have all fallen out of favor in Fujian because of high pesticide residue levels. A…[Read more]

      • You know what @tea-author, I think it was oolong. Not sure where I got that from I’ll go take another look. Could these teas that are not popular in Fujian somehow end up on the US market?

        • @jackie, yeah, I know it was oolong from Fujian province, but which type of oolong? There are Southern Fujian oolongs and Northern Fujian oolongs. The Southern Fujian oolongs are today distinguished by their light roast, hence green color. Most notable of these is Tieguanyin and other Anxi teas such as Huangjingui, Benshan, Maoxie, etc.; and…[Read more]

        • The reason why Tieguanyin had such high MRLs was because it was so wildly popular back in early 2000. I remember in 2006 when I lived in Longyan, the only tea drunk was Tieguanyin – no other teas at all available in that city – all tea stores only sold Tieguanyin. Coming back in 2012, now there’s little Tieguanyin – everyone is drinking everything…[Read more]

  • Ha ha, we may be the best of the best but nobody aside from @gingkoseto speaks any Chinese language. Wait, @tea-author does. Warren, are you able to shed any light on this Pu’er?

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    Ha, the Tim Tam Slam. Perhaps not for the purest of tea lovers but @peter likes Tim Tams although we only seem to get the chocolate flavor here. @thedevotea is it true it’s Australian’s favorite “biscuit”? Anyway, suck your way to tea bliss via this cookie. http://…[Read more]

    • Please do not refer to this as a “cookie” which is obviously a term designed for 3-year-olds. It is a biscuit with a proud history. And for the record, our Aussie Ginger Chai is the best tea for a Tim Tam Slam, though a plain Daintree works and you can get by with a rich Assam. And stylistically, the bites should be catercorner.

  • Jackie posted a new activity comment 11 years, 10 months ago

    Aaah, I can just hear the happy sigh.

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    Time to shop tea for friends and family? Tip #3: Include tea gift sets for children. @jopj creates the sweetest packages with her tea books for kids and special herbal tea blends.
    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’Children’s tea, gifts and books | The World’s Special Tea’…[Read more]

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    Time to shop tea for friends and family? Tip #2: If you like English and Irish Breakfast teas as well as other hearty blends – don’t buy anonymity off the shelf. Know who blended your tea and who blended it well. Unique tea crafted by @thedevotea:
    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’ Store | The Devotea’s Global Specialty…[Read more]

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago

    Time to shop tea for friends and family? Suggestion #1: For tea gift bags with a twist: Check out @iheartteas‘ range of tea and tea products such as tea perfumes, lip balms, bath oils and soaps:
    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’iHeartTeas | Fresh, handmade and unique teas | Tea-inspired products’…[Read more]

  • The Pu’er region in China’s Yunnan Province and Libourne, a small French town in wine county Bordeaux have reached an agreement to promote each others’ famous products. A Maison du Vin will open in Pu’er City to […]

  • How to make a Chawan. Not sure what that is? This video about making Japanese tea bowls is well worth watching. Once again I have to thank Yaya.


  • Dear Devotea
    Despite your fancy name these days you’ll always be Robby up here at the North Pole. I remember how cute you were with your mop of curly red hair and your twinkling eyes. With a smile like yours you […]

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Active 7 years, 2 months ago