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  • It’s almost poetic Robert. Made me feel a touch melancholic even. Except for the bit about you without trousers. I imagine you actually took a very long time to get to our bathroom from your bedroom, and you […]

  • We congratulate @teacraft aka Nigel Melican on “being awarded the D.N Borbora Chair for Tea Quality and Manufacturing at the Tea Research Association of India.” See more in World Tea News here: or for more info on the research station itself you can go to an older article here. There are a couple of other sites directly related to the station but…[Read more]

  • Ha ha, “one might say this is a very relaxing tea”. @iheartteas does look pretty laid back 😛 Oh, how I know about the troubles with frozen screens etc. I am looking forward to that happening less in the winter. I […]

  • Tea first thing in the morning, with or without breakfast is an absolute must for me. The rest of the day is just perfect for all the other cups of tea.

  • Sounds like a fun evening. Does the Puer not overpower the pouchong? Sounds like it might?

  • Jackie posted a new activity comment 11 years, 1 month ago

    Ha, enjoyed this and watched it to the end. Not quite sure where it was going but kudos to the young’uns who made this. Turning into a tea bag would be anyone’s nightmare, right @thedevotea?!

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago

    I love this concept. Love the van, wish we had one too. Either our own or one to go to for a quick (but fine) cuppa. With a crumpet.
    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’A Good and Proper Cuppa in London: Remodelista’…[Read more]

  • Nice to hear how their family name is pronounced and also to see the garden. We’ve had a couple of Dokes and we really liked them.

  • @xavier that is a brilliant question, no doubt we’ll see a blog post about it at some point. Anyway, always good to start the day with one of Robert’s entertaining new posts.

  • Jackie posted a new activity comment 11 years, 1 month ago

    Of course it’s suspicious. Who on earth would really want to drink Chai, ha ha. Except @thedevotea‘s. His happens to be good.

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago

    Only in New York City. Or well, maybe not only there. Anyone wants to take up his offer?
    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’This Dude Wants To Get Naked And Drink Tea With You: Gothamist’ image=’’] Koji Frahm [/bpfb_link]

  • Interesting post by Melody pondering the question whether “Teavana (will) replace Tazo Tea inside Starbucks Stores?” My guess is; yes and not only inside Starbucks stores. I don’t think there’s room for both brands because not enough distinguishes them. As mentioned in a recent forum post, the Tazo store in Seattle has already closed, and…[Read more]

  • What a nice surprise – hadn’t expected to be mentioned in your blog post. Just had my cup of tea ready while spending a lazy Sunday morning on the sheets, and saw this. It made me smile. And wish we could get […]

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago

    And in the UK the tea drinkers move on to other (not better) drinks. Chamomile tea? Shudder.

    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’Tea drinkers shunning traditional English breakfast – Telegraph’…[Read more]

    • green tea-bags? 🙁
      And do they really believe in the health thing? If there was some kind of miracle product, we would all be drinking/eating it for ages…
      It reminds me of this story of someone who is celebrating his 100th birthday. The journalists ask him what he did.
      “I never smoked, drank…”
      Suddenly they all hear big noises, things being t…[Read more]

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago

    What the USDA – United States Department of Agriculture – says about tea “Brewing up the latest tea research”
    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’Brewing Up the Latest Tea Research’ image=’’]Tea is the most-consumed beverage…[Read more]

    • Is it better than other research made in other parts of the world? Australia had a good one if I remember well (or should I say if I remember well what @thedevotea said :P).

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago

    Cool recipe by @riccaicedo on his blog. Love being subscribed to his posts so I never miss out!
    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’Matcha Beer Recipe’ image=’×251.jpg’]As weird as it sounds, you can buy matcha beer in…[Read more]

  • Just saw that @iheartteas posted this on G+. I don’t really use G+ much these days but that was some interesting piece of (World Tea) news.

  • Jackie commented on the post, A Tearoom Trilogy, on the site Steep Stories 11 years, 1 month ago

    I love it when you take us on your tea journeys with you. Wonderful pics and interesting info. Say hello to David from us when you see him next time. Haven’t spoken to him for ages. I didn’t even know PDX Alliance […]

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago

    You’ve got to see this! Female contortionist steeps up a fine cuppa tea. One for the (Guinness Book) of records:
    [bpfb_link url=’′ title=’BBC News – Guinness World Records: 2014’s entries’ image=’’]BBC News -…[Read more]

  • Jackie posted an update 11 years, 1 month ago

    Happy Thursday. I’ve got catching up to do. Several new posts have arrived but I haven’t yet had time to give them the attention they deserve. Thanks to everyone for writing away. I raise my cup of Yunnan to you!

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Active 7 years, 2 months ago