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About me

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My experience with tea

I'm a tea expert

My life as a tea drinker

About Me

Hi, my name is Rachel Rachana Carter and I’m a Certified Tea Specialist and Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

My passion for tea started as a young girl.  I grew up in an Indian household where tea culture was and still abundant.  Later in my 20’s I suffered tragedy nearly losing my life in a car accident.  Unfortunately, even after the wounds healed it took a long term impact to my health.  I gained weight and shortly after was diagnosed with diabetes.  After trying all I could I took my health and life into my own hands shortly after the birth of my second child in 2013.  Since then tea has still played an important role in my life.  It was after my diabetes went into remission and I reached a healthy weight a new marriage of passions began.  Tea & Health.  Today I spread the message of Holistic Health with tea playing a vital role.


Chicago, IL


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Active 3 months, 3 weeks ago