Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Promotions WIN a "THE DEVOTEA" tea sampler and be the ENVY of your FRIENDS!

25 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Robert Godden 12 years, 3 months ago
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    • #7914

      Robert Godden

      Yes, your eyes do not deceive you. You can own a genuine, hand-made original collection of little packets with The Devotea tea blends in them. We have online stores in the US, the UK, and Australia. 

      All you have to do is Sign up for our mailing list by using this link :  Subscribe to our newsletter  .

      We know means we can spam you hourly for the rest of your life, but we won’t because

      1. we are nice people
      2. that would be far too much effort and hard to fit in between our endless tea breaks. 

      We can’t say what’s in it, because you’ll get your free sampler from your nearest blender/distributor , and there are different products available in each market, but it will be tea. A minimum of five varieties. 
      Every week until further notice we will randomly select a new subscriber and send them a sampler. How good is that?

    • #7928


      Have you done your bit to make all your friends envious? @thedevotea is looking for more newsletter subscribers. While being on his superb list may make others very envious, they can easily overcome pangs of jealousy by signing up too. Also, the envy primarily refers to the tea sampler you can win. 

    • #7941

      Robert Godden

      *One day left to get in for a chance to be this week’s winner!

    • #7943


      *I’m in as well! Looking forward to whatever insightful newsletters are sure to come : ) 

      (and maybe a few blends to review as well..)

    • #7944

      Robert Godden

      ” how incredibly pompous do I sound there” 

      Our teas are made to go with being pompous. No harm done!

    • #7945

      Robert Godden

      The first weekly winner has been drawn. They have been emailed and once they have replied, we will announce their name. This week’s winner’s location: Los Angeles, USA.

    • #7962

      Robert Godden

      *Our first winner is Melanie P. of the USA. Congratulations

    • #7967

      Robert Godden

      *We’ve heard from the first winner who has just ripped open the package, and she is giving the Lord Petersham a thumbs-up for starters; and was nice enough to let us know that via email. Thanks Melanie P!

    • #7968


      That’s right! I did rip into the package! A box full of black teas! My favorite! I’ve never had The DevoTea teas before. The Lord Petersham said it was a good afternoon tea and took milk well… an my mail comes just before lunch. So I whipped up some tea sandwiches and had a little pot of tea. SO GOOD! I can’t wait to try the others. Thank you so much!

    • #7969


      @melanie “whipped up some tea sandwiches” sounds delicious! And of course Robert so does your Lord P.  Well, of course I do happen to know it’s a lovely blend. If anyone has any favorite recipes to share with @thedevotea‘s teas let us know!

    • #7978

      Robert Godden

      The winner this week was another Tea Trader… stay tuned for details

    • #7979

      Robert Godden

      *I can now announce the weekly winner is @Xavier , otherwise known as @teaconomics . Congratulations! You’ll get a  sample pack from our UK distributor.

    • #7980


      Thanks. I can’t wait for it to arrive 😀

    • #7987

      Robert Godden

      *J. Forbes of Melbourne Australia is this week’s prize winner. Yay!

    • #8003

      Robert Godden

      *Three weeks left to run in this competition. There’s still time!

    • #8005


      @thedevotea You’re only running this for three more weeks? Don’t tell anyone there’s still time, with three weeks to go. They’ll think they have forever, ha ha. No, there’s no day like today! Go get in on this. Hurry, sign up now before his inbox is too full to cope! 

      PS: You did mean 3 weeks, right and not 3 days til the next draw? 

    • #8013

      Robert Godden

      *I am still waiting to see Xavier review some of the teas!

    • #8015


      I will do it.

      Don’t worry, I packed them and they will be with me in Norway (if I find time to do it there).

    • #8017

      Robert Godden

      *Any last minute entries? The clock is ticking. Another to be drawn with an hour or two, depending on how long lunch takes.

    • #8028

      Robert Godden

      *We have drawn another winner. They are in the USA. They may well be a Tea Trader. Awaiting confirmation…

    • #8030


      *sigh* nor is it me.  Bummer!

    • #8031


      Okay, @thedevotea – here’s my confirmation! That I”m not the winner I mean. Now who’s the lucky one I wonder?

    • #8032

      Robert Godden

      *Turns out the winner @teamoment on twitter isn’t a tea trader. So let’s all fix that.

    • #8058

      Robert Godden

      *There will be another winner tomorrow. Now’s the time to get in fast if you aren’t already on the list.

    • #8059


      *just pick me!

    • #8087

      Robert Godden

      *LAST CHANCE FOLKS! One more sampler to be won, If you have not already signed up to enter, you have a few hours left. Actually, about 28 hours.

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