Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Conversations Where do you source your tea?

9 replies, 7 voices Last updated by Robert Godden 11 years, 9 months ago
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    • #6693


      If you are selling tea, either via Tea Trade, your own online store, a brick-and-mortar location or a cafe – where do you go to source your tea?

      In the future, I’ll be writing about American tea wholesalers and sourcing tea, but I’m interested in how you all do it now. Even those of you working in the Trade overseas (Australia, for exanple…) where do you get your tea from.

      …of course, I know that suppliers is a trade secret in business, but I’m interested nonetheless. I know of many great wholesalers (real ones, the kind that don’t sell tea to the public). What have your experiences been in sourcing tea?

    • #7497


      hi,glad to saw your information about source teas for selling or locial tea shop!
      Maybe I can help you.You can find me in Facebook ID: Yunnan Colorful
      Hope can help you and other tea fans.

    • #7499


      I source my tea from many different producers or dealers in the producing regions. But I don’t think this is a typical business mode, or could be. I basically did the same (but at a smaller scale) when I was a buyer and not a seller, and later thought the time would be considered better used if it’s not just for my personal tea.

      If I hadn’t sourced the tea myself, as a seller, I would probably consider Silk Road Teas first, Tea Spring secondly (if they offer wholesale, and I guess they could offer), and some Chinese state-owned export companies the third. But this is just some casual consideration. In fact, sourcing tea is one of my favorite parts of the tea business. If I don’t source tea myself, I probably wouldn’t maintain a tea business anyway.

    • #7502

      Robert Godden

      (Australia, for example?)

      I source some from India, some from China, some from Vietnam, some direct form a tea farm in Queensland, some from wholesalers in Sydney, some from five Chinese guys that don’t speak English in a warehouse in Adelaide’s Northern Suburbs and some of the herbal and fruit items I add from my own garden.

      And that’s just the Australian operation. Stay tuned.

      …and I might have a chat with @ynunnacolorful

    • #7503


      I knew you look for tea sourcing from many countries.very good.
      Hope you can find realy quantily teas come from tea soucing.
      We send teas for sellers in many countries from Yunnan Province,China.also we have a website and a tea company in Kunming,Yunnan.

      <font><font>thedevotea</font></font> said:



      ……我可能有一个与@ ynunnacolorful聊天

    • #7516


      @pivwani – that’s your own store 😉

    • #7597


      Does anyone have an opinion on the teas from Tinderet Estate? (One of Williamson-Magor’s estates in Kenya.) I really wonder what they’re up to over there… their CTC tea is a great example of the style, perfect milk tea material, and their FBOP grade is surprisingly aromatic for a non-China tea… reminds me a little of a good Fujian congou. Are all the teas from Nandi District this way, or are they doing something special?

    • #9375


      Hello all, I am very new to this site and joined because of my curiosities of teas and where they do come from. I started drinking tea almost a year ago and I got on that path because I discovered Teavana.  I do not know if this name is taboo on the site? I looked around a bit and did not see any resources for it. But the real reason I’m here is to be enlightened on the true good teas of the world.  I have not explored much  outside of that store and their products, other than using teabags previous to that. I would love any advice that anyone would love to share with me on perhaps a good resource or advisable next step and if this Teavana tea is it good or crap!! In all honesty I do enjoy their tea,  I simply haven’t experienced much outside of it. All and any information would be much appreciated. Thank you to all you tea lovers……

    • #9379


      @katiek – While comments have certainly been made about Teavana in the forum, you don’t need to worry that they’re a taboo subject. There are reservations yes, but there is also curiosity about their new plans. Not sure if you saw that Starbucks has just bought them. Either way, I don’t want anyone to feel they can’t admit their likes and dislikes. The only exception is our feisty (but wonderful) @thedevotea. He will tell you that all teabags are evil. However, fear him not 🙂
      Personally I’m not a fan of sweetened teas and Teavana sweetens their samples. I also think that there are many more options besides the big T. However, were it not for Teavana many people would perhaps still not even be curious about tea. For big tea companies, I recommend Adagio unless you’re already looking for highly specialized teas. I like Adagio; quick, efficient and reasonably priced. I also like Upton Tea, a very large selection both for newbies and more experienced tea drinkers. There are many, many worthy smaller tea companies out there, including @iheartteasstore on Tea Trade, @thedevotea‘s store, @bestinternationaltea‘s store and from time to time @liberteas sells tea too. Anyway, welcome to Tea Trade!

    • #9381

      Robert Godden

      “…worthy…” ? I was hoping for more,   @jackie ! “Stupendous” at least.

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