Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Conversations Walking in Doke


6 replies, 4 voices Last updated by lochantea 13 years, 2 months ago
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    • #6843



      I was yesterday there and while walking on the main main road bisecting the plantation I felt the thrill of new season and the fresh chilly air of the spring – at some places new shoots had already started to appear and at some places they were quite as big as four inches – it was so nice to see them on the tea bushes – though on the distant village lines it was still blue smog hanging in the air – the 2012 crop is going to be good…. Pictures…

    • #6847


      Here’s one of the pictures that Mr Lochan links to above. Just stunning.

    • #6851


      I tried to grow Jasmine flowers in my garden and they also flower during this season and the combination if taken properly thru the camera is beautiful….

    • #6852


      Very beautiful

    • #6862


      @lochantea – so this is a picture of your tea garden? I find it very majestic, where is your garden in relation to your home? Do you see views like this everyday of your life?

      (I admit to being somewhat envious, as I live in a suburban neighborhood in city of nearly half million people…)

    • #6863


      @peter there’s a link about Doke on Lochan Tea’s website:

    • #6864


      @peter – yes, this is picture of our tea estate which is in the district of Kishangunj, state of Bihar and this is 75 kilometers south west of our home which is in Siliguri town being the foothills of the district of Darjeeling in state of Bengal – we are lucky to get such views in our everyday life since we have rivers, mountains, forests all around us and our area is the melting pot of mongoloid and negroid races which stretches for another 2000 kilometers east ending in Guangxi passing thru Assam, Mynmar and Yunnan..where thousands of tribes inhibit this area with thousands of languages, foods & cultures..we are lucky to have tea all around us…

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