Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Conversations Protecting Your Blogs


10 replies, 5 voices Last updated by Jackie 11 years, 11 months ago
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    • #9913

      Robert Godden

      Great Article on avoiding having your content pinched. I’m hoping @Peter will comment on which of these are possible here.

    • #9914


      Looks very interesting @thedevotea. Just saw your post and read the article. Lots of food for though. Thanks for linking, it’ interesting stuff. Must get back to it but it’s too late now to start thinking and writing…At this time of day I mean, which is close to midnight.

    • #9922


      My first response is that the title of the article is a little bit misleading – you really cannot prevent someone from scraping your content or stealing your stuff. This is the internet and anything published can be stolen. In fact, simply by using a blog’s RSS feed, anyone can steal a significant amount of content automatically. When your content is stolen, in order to get the thief to remove it is basically to go to war. If they are in China, India or a number of other places, they have no obligation to remove it even if you ask, and you have no way to enforce it either. That means you have only one option, you have to outrank them.

      That said, after reviewing the article, the most useful method for doing this is using the Google Authorship technique. Here’s the video from the article talking about Authorship, there is some technical stuff mentioned, but after a few minutes they get to how it works. Basically, you need to link to your Google+ profile page and then from within your G+ account, link back to your blog. This creates a circuit of validation for your blog. Google will reward you by putting your avatar next to your blog posts in search engine results, but also Google is able to confirm the original source of content when it locates a duplicate. In response, it will downrank the thief and uprank you.

      This is easy to setup on Tea Trade and you can do it one of two ways. Upgraded members (those with a paid Tea Trader account) have access to the WordPress SEO plugin. To set it up in the SEO plugin, in your dashboard, go to SEO -> Titles & Metas. Select the Home tab and under Author Highlighting, choose your name and then save.

      For those using a free account, to setup Authorship, you need to add link to your website via HTML and include the rel=author attribute in the link. The easiest way to do this is by using a Text Widget in your sidebar. In your dashboard go to Appearance -> Widgets and drag a new Text Widget into one of your sidebars. Next, you’ll have to enter a snippet of HTML code to create the link.

      You can copy this code here, but you will need to edit the URL with the URL of your Google+ profile page (you can also change to link text to whatever you want):

      <a href="">My Google+ Profile</a>

      Ensure that when you edit the URL, the ?rel=author is at the end, after the numbers.

      Finally, however you set it up on your site, go to your G+ profile page and edit the Links section and add the full URL to your site in the Contributor to area. This last action completes the validation and Google will check back to your site for the rel=author attribute.

      Once all said and done, you will start getting the benefits of having your recognizable avatar next to your search engine results, but also allow Google a method to validate your blog posts and prove that you are the original author.

    • #9926

      Robert Godden

      I attempted what you suggested, @peter , but cannot locate

      SEO -> Titles & Metas. Select the Home tab and under Author Highlighting, choose your name and then save.

      My SEO menu has not much in it.

    • #9928


      @thedevotea I added the link using the widget method to your blog. All the stuff was there in the SEO plugin, but for some reason it wasn’t working. No problem since the widget method works seamlessly.

      Now you need to add the link back to your blog in the Contributor to section of your Google Profile. You currently have the link in place, but you need to move it to the different section of the profile.

      For everyone, to test that the circuit is working, paste the URL of your blog into this tool at Google. It will give you feedback regarding the data about your blog.

    • #9929

      Robert Godden

      It tested fine. So, Pete, for those of us with multiple blogs, we just do that across all of them? And a store is treated the same way as a blog.?

    • #9930


      @peter I completely agree with you, the best is to outrank them!

    • #9932


      @thedevotea – stores, blogs all the same.

    • #9936


      Ok I can’t seem to find the SEO thing either….

    • #9938


      The SEO plugin is only available to upgrade users and must be activated in the plugins section of your dashboard. There is a learning curve in using it.

      Update for everyone: I have now made it easier and automatic to setup Google Authorship on your site using a built-in widget currently available on all websites. Using the Subscribe-Connect-Follow widget to link to your Google profile will now automatically add the relevant markup to the URL to setup Google Authorship on your site. Many of you are already using this widget and if you are using it to point visitors to your Google Plus profile, its now working automatically and you only need to setup the link back from G+ to your blog.

      This solution does not work for multi-author blogs, but works smoothly for most of you. I’ve already tested it on a number of blogs currently using the widget and it works smoothly. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to make a more detailed blog post about this in the next few days.

    • #9939


      @peter When you say “you only need to setup the link back from G+ to your blog” do you mean we only need to keep the blog link on our G+ profile in the section “Links” – other profiles?

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