Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Promotions Pre-release of new black(!) Zealong tea exclusively for Tea Trade members

19 replies, 6 voices Last updated by Jackie 13 years ago
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    • #7032


      Dear friends on Tea Trade,
      I’ve just received a very exciting offer from a tea garden that I would like to share with you. New Zealand’s only tea producer Zealong (which, as you have probably heard, has established itself as a top-class oolong producer over the last couple of years) has contacted me with a proposal that I couldn’t possibly turn down. They’ve asked me to be the exclusive outlet for the pre-release of a new tea that they have developed – this time, a black tea. Ya-Ya is the ONLY source for this tea – you can’t even get it directly from their plantation or website!

      The conditions are, that it will only be available to a select few of my customers and the special people here at Tea Trade – and by pre-order only. The price is NZ$18 (about US$15) per 50g plus NZ$12.50 (about US$10) for shipping worldwide (for up to 200g of tea). The quantity of this pre-release tea is extremely limited and I will need orders confirmed no later than 10 February.

      I have tasted this tea when I visited the plantation in November and was prepared to buy a supply right then and there. To my disappointment, I was told that I had to wait. Zealong does not release a product before it is perfected to the best of their abilities. This pre-release tea does not differ from the final product that will be officially released later this year, except that the packaging will be different; the tea is the same.

      You can imagine that this offer of exclusive distribution of the pre-release sales to Ya-Ya is a huge honor for us.

      So, if you would like to be one of the first people in the world to try this outstanding new black tea (boy, I always wanted to write something like that!), please send a private message on Tea Trade to @yaya with the desired quantity (the tea comes pre-packed in 50g bags at NZ$18 each) before 10 February. Payment via paypal.

      As a special bonus, I will send along a print from one of the photos I took of the tea garden when I visited late last year to the first 10 orders from Tea Trade members.

      Jo, a.k.a. @yaya

    • #7039


      Just want everyone to know that we are very excited about YaYa’s exclusive offer to Tea Trade members. For anyone who loves tea this is a very special opportunity indeed! I imagine a lot of tea companies would love to get ahold of this one. You could be one of the very first people to give it a try.

    • #7042


      Wow, how amazing. Unfortunately, way out of my price range. However, I can’t wait to read about the experiences others have here on Tea Trade. Thanks for sharing this with us @Yaya but I admit I am a bit jealous I won’t be able to try this.

    • #7050


      Rachel – @iheartteas – I calculated the per g price including the shipping and realized it is very competitive. If you compare costs per gram of tea, including shipping, you’ll see it’s very well priced, particularly for unique tea.
      Shipping does seem high, but all in it amounts to 50 cents per gram of tea. Looking around that is very close, or almost the same as many other tea offers out there.
      Don’t fear the shipping charge : ) ideally you’d share shipping with someone, especially since up to 200g – so 4 packets can be shipped at the same cost.
      I definitely want this one!

    • #7053


      Oh @Jackie I’m sorry for the misunderstanding but what I meant was out of my personal price range right now. So I mean specifically because where I am right now financially. Was not suggesting the offer itself was too much. So basically it’s me, not the tea. 🙂

    • #7063


      Oh Rachel, got you! 🙂

    • #7067


      Thanks for the clarification, @jackie. New Zealand is pricey for shipping, unfortunately. But I’m happy to ship combined order, so if you guys want to get together for an order, that’s perfectly fine by me.
      And Rachel – @iheartteas –, I totally understand. This tea is from a pre-release batch and production should commence later this year. I think someone in the US will start stocking this tea. But I doubt that it will be much cheaper. But depending on what the US dollar does, it might get cheaper if the (US) dollar strengthens…

    • #7077


      I also doubt it will be much cheaper. I’ve seen what the price of Zealong is currently, so I don’t hold out high hopes.

    • #7120


      Bumping this up. A black Zealong is worth a bump or two. Looking forward to the eventual reviews. Wonder what the verdict will be?

    • #7122

      Robert Godden

      I must admit I’ve never tried a Zealong. There’s so many oolongs to work through in China. And the official list of black tea suppliers in China is over 33,000.
      So, I should get to the NZ stuff by the time I get to about 287 years old.
      Best of luck with it, though, Ya-Ya . I know it’s been a rough few years in Christchurch.

    • #7123


      @thedevotea: “Best of luck with it YaYa.” Times are rough in Christchurch, so now it’s come down to that eh, selling black Zealong? I have the mental image of a man in a black coat, standing in a dark street corner, with bags of tea packets, stuffed in his inside pockets.
      Now I know he’s a rival, being in NZ and all. But it’s not really a good luck question at all, and I don’t see what hard times in Christchurch have to do with this extremely unique tea? And a great opportunity.

    • #7129

      Robert Godden

      I think @jackie is right about the NZ/Australia thing.
      My reluctance to engage with NZ foods and beverages is based on the fact that NZ sends us all these bottles of grape juice, and quite frankly it’s all gone off.

    • #7132


      @Jackie Are you ordering the Zealong Black?

    • #7134


      Rachel r u?

    • #7173


      @jopj no Rachel isn’t, she mentioned a “funding” issue 🙂 – However, I want to stress that this is an amazing opportunity for any serious tea lover to try Zealong black tea. Tony of Chicago Tea Garden sampled some 2 years ago, they must have been in the test phase then already – he says it’s the best black tea he ever tasted!
      I rest my case,

    • #7179


      @Jackie If you are planning on getting some I may be able to swing some cash into it to save on shipping. Just an idea. Let me know what you think?

    • #7180


      Hey everyone – you’ve only got a few hours left to order the not yet re-leased Zealong black tea. Try it before anyone else does. Rumor has it is outstanding. Or as Tony of Chicago Tea Garden said, the best black tea he’s ever tasted. Interested? DM @YaYa with your details.

    • #7345


      It is lovely. We just tried it a couple of days ago! Quite sweet and mellow. And since I don’t write tea reviews I won’t say more than that 😛

    • #7364


      Bummer I’m sorry I missed this.

    • #7365


      Courtney, aka @thepurrfectcup You can always read @funandflirtea‘s tea review of @yaya‘s offer here:

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