Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea News and Information Mar 10 San Francisco International Tea Festival

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Jackie 12 years ago
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    • #9641


      Upcoming: San Francisco’s 2nd international Tea Festival on March 10 -2013. Don’t miss it if you’re in the area. @amyoh did you go to the last one or have you heard of anyone who went? Speakers include:
      Roy Fong
      James Norwood Pratt
      Rona Tison
      Devan Shah
      Frank Hadley Murphy

    • #9642


      I did go last year. I wasn’t able to get there really early so I missed a lot of the speakers and the smaller events. I’m not sure I felt like it was worth the $$, but if I spent the whole day there I might have felt differently. For sure I was thinking they could have used more vendors, I recall there being less than 15 of them.

    • #9643


      Hmmm…fewer than 15 vendors is not impressive. Hopefully it’s bigger this year. Wonder how many people attend? There’s always so much talk about the the expo in Vegas, sometimes one forgets about the smaller ones…
      I was wondering about the $$s too, I guess it’s quite expensive.

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