Site-Wide Activity Forums Foreign Language Board In French – flavoured tea or the “attack” from the tea snoobishs

6 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Xavier 12 years, 11 months ago
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    • #6501


      Interesting thoughts by the founder of Theodor, a French tea brand.

    • #6502


      Fascinating, I ran it thought a machine translator and am frustrated because it appears to a rant in spectacular (the kind that even @thedevotea might appreciate) – I only wish I could understand more of it.

      The francophiles around will no doubt enjoy it!

    • #6503


      @xavier – I had a look through this and it looks really interesting. You haven’t seen an English version of this anywhere have you? I’d love to get my hands on it. 

    • #6730


      @xavier what do you mean by “we would come to take a look around here?”
      It would be great if translated it, but I hope it isn’t too much work. I wish Mr Leleu realized how important it is to have that interview in English too – Wouldn’t he want more people to know how he thinks? More publicity for his company too.

    • #6734


      @xavier Mr Leleu decided to visit Tea Trade and that was the day we were doing our upgrade? Sacre bleu. Or something like that. One can only hope he drops by again. Although, I suppose we missed the (tea) boat.

    • #6959

      VCC Tea

      Theodore..c’est marrant.

      Je crois que ceux qui se nient contre le the parfume s’y mettent a cause d’un parfum trop faux, alcoloise, trop errant. Comme on a dit, du the parfume a l’ecorce d’orange ou bien de pamplemouse ou de gingevre, ca peut etre, parfois, un peu fade, mais encore…ca ne sens pas au moins des produits de nettoyage….

    • #6965


      @VCC Tea You might be right.

      As for the translation, I didn’t have time yet to work on it 🙁 but I look forward to this week-end as I should have enough “free” time to translate this document and post it here.

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