4 replies, 2 voices Last updated by 12 years, 4 months ago
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Site-Wide Activity › Forums › Support and Feedback › If you could redesign Tea Trade…
I’m thinking that Tea Trade needs a face lift. It seems like it wasn’t too long ago that I gave the site this gray look. But @jackie has never really liked it much. Today she said it reminded her of a gray, cloudy day. She said that we should have something bold. She’s always liked the look of Leafbox Tea (http://leafboxtea.com) which is very striking. That has always been something that eluded me for Tea Trade, because I always wanted it to be “inoffensive”. Of course, that kind of thinking really doesn’t help much.
So now I’m asking you, the members of Tea Trade, if you were to redesign the look and feel of Tea Trade, what would you want? What would you like to tell me, or what would appeal to you? What is your honest opinion of the current look (I promise not to be offended, I’m looking for criticism)?
…hmmm, got impatient…
Changed a few things. Got rid of the gray, set a sleeker font. Looking better already. Do you like it?
Still, what would you want if I gave you the keys to the kingdom?
I don’t get the number up right.
Could you tell us what it means?
@xavier Those are notifications of events. Mouseover it and you’ll be presented with your list of notifications from the system. I added some features so more events are tracked and the information is more useful about what it tells you. If the number is high, that’s because Tea Trade wasn’t delivering notifications for certain events, but they are all being sent now and you may need to clear them out.
There is a new option at the bottom of the notifications list to Clear all notifications. If you select that it’ll delete all of them. If, for some reason there are too many events in your list ( @jackie had this problem) preventing you from seeing the clear all option, you may have to go through some of the notifications one at a time until you can.
I will browse around and see how practical/usable are the new things (but I like the colours).