Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Conversations How to Grow Tea

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Anonymous 12 years, 9 months ago
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    • #7312


      Home-Grown Tea, U.S. Department Of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin 1907

      Seems pretty straightforward.

    • #7315


      It might depend a little on where you are living.

    • #7339


      ‘As a pound makes from 350 to 400 cups of tea, 50 plants should furnish a cup of tea apiece to a family of nine for every day in the year.’

      Bloody brilliant.

      Funny to think, first, of the effort that went into the production of this bulletin (not a tremendous effort, surely, but some) and, second, of how many families actually tried any of these methods for themselves. How many, indeed? My guess is none at all.

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