Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Conversations Help me, I’m lazy-ish


1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Xavier 12 years, 3 months ago
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    • #8126

      Robert Godden

      I am hoping those who have read my blogs over the past few years can help me.
      I need to pick seven of my blog posts for inclusion in a book.

      If you remember reading something and want to suggest “Hey, remember the one about the goat and the opera singer…” that would be really great.

      Here’s what’s in so far:
      -Taking tea with George Orwell
      -An Oglio of Impertinence
      -Tea Roulette
      -The Lowest Common Denominator
      -Family Feud, and a Mild Conspiracy Theory
      Any suggestions gratefully considered!

    • #8358


      The best one? The more clever one? The funniest one?

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