Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Conversations Disappearing Drafts

3 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Xavier 5 years, 10 months ago
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    • #17933

      Robert Godden

      Lately I have been creating drafts for blog posts and then having them disappear.
      I don’t know why, but it’s super annoying.
      The pictures uploaded for the drafts are still in my media collection.
      Anyone else had the same thing? I’ve put hours into the same posts twice now and it’s just not there.

    • #17934


      I never write directly here. I first write my post on LibreOffice in order to have a backup file.

    • #17948


      Same boat. I’ve had the problem for well over a year now. There was an attempt to see if they were related to my other account problems (being unable to edit my profile or change my Display Name, and my bio no longer inserting on my blog), but no luck. Just sort of… stuck in limbo.

      It’s been a bit of a drag for posting, since reformatting from MSWord is… annoying, and I tend to be between computers/find it easier to just log in to rather than have to jump to dropbox first.

    • #17949



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