20 replies, 6 voices Last updated by liberteas 13 years, 3 months ago
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    • #5960


      Does anyone know where I can get some good first-flush? I have looked around, but it seems to me that there isn’t much interest in the states. If you have any in your tea cupboard from this Spring, maybe we could work out a trade or something!? Where have all the darjeelings gone, far out Kenya or French Dijon?

    • #5961


      Hey Mr. There is some for sale on the marketplace by a company in Darjeeling called Lochan Tea. They’re on twitter too. I’ve been eyeing up their tea for a while now but I’d have to buy 500g, so I’m not sure.
      This is what it is:
      Thurbo FTGFOP 1 CL – EX 6 $65 plus $10 shipping. It’s actually a pretty fair price for that tea I think
      Here’s the link: http://teatrade.tinypay.me/~sNPIki1

    • #5962


      Hey J. The link doesn’t work, but I will look around for it 🙂

    • #5963


      yeah, sorry I just edited my last post with the correct link

    • #5964


      Ooh, that does look good! I don’t know about over a pound of tea… though that is a reasonable price, for sure.

    • #5965


      I know, that’s what’s holding me back too. And you’re not in my area either. Actually maybe I should mention here that I know you were looking for anyone in the Seattle area interested in going in with you on this.
      One day when we have enough people to do so, we should hook up people on here by location too.

    • #5966


      An excellent idea! You can figure out how to track it now and then figure out how to implement some sort of grouping when the time is right.

    • #5967


      My recommendation would be to either get in touch directly with Vivek Lochan (he’s a nice guy and I’m sure he’ll be helpful sorting something out) or visit their website at http://www.lochantea.com
      Alternatively, I might be able to arrange something nice for you guys 😉

    • #5968


      I didn’t think of buying it from him via another channel. I am looking at his site now. My interest is piqued in regards to an ‘arrangement’, though 🙂 Can’t wait to hear more.

    • #5969


      Might want to check them out too! Great prices, fast shipping, and fantastic tea. I posted some notes about their autumnal darjeelings. http://darjeelingteaxpress.com/

    • #5970


      I think I will try to support the TeaTra.de vendors, since I don’t actually ‘buy’ tea very often 😛 But thanks for the heads up! They have a nice looking site. Maybe we could work out a tea trade if you have some of their tea on hand? I love to enhance my tea collection by shifting teas into and out of other collections 🙂

    • #5971


      Thanks Mr @familyandtea your support is much appreciated!

      Currently we are looking into a reported error message on Lochan’s Darjeeling offer. We’ll update as soon as we have more info on the stage this error occurred.

    • #5972


      let’s arrange something, then. We could do a Darjeeling-for-Gyokuru tea swap if you like or alternatively, you could wait until I’ll list some of our teas in the marketplace (I’ll have to get around that sometime soon!).
      Currently waiting for the arrival of some second flush Darjeelings and the Arya Ruby from the first flush harvest.

    • #5973


      @yaya, if you want to promote your own teas, the place for that is the “marketplace” or alternatively you can list your specials on the “Tea Promotions” Board. Otherwise this is spamming.

    • #5974


      sorry, I didn’t mean to be spamming but just give Aaron (and possibly you) some idea for teas to trade with. As I said, I’ll list some teas in the marketplace soon, but since I’m hard-pressed for time right now, I’m not sure how long this will take me. Since I mentioned an ‘arrangement’ (with which I had a swap in mind), I wanted to give Aaron some ideas about possible teas.
      But your point is taken and I’ll be more considerate with my comments in the future.

    • #5975


      Oh, the dangerous tea lives we lead. Its all fun and games until somebody breaks a toe 🙂 Yaya, thanks for the comment on the blog. You should edit your tea company info off of this forum. I would love to trade. I’ll pm you.

    • #5976


      Thanks for the pointer, Aaron. I didn’t see the small edit link originally, but just found it. I’ve removed all formal evidence now 😉
      More fun and games, right? Well, I’ll have another cup of Darjeeling on that one (it’s morning over here right now, the perfect time of day for these teas).

    • #5977


      Well, I’ll say this is an extremely lively thread full of tea passion. Thanks for the edit, input etc.

    • #5978


      And what is the general feeling about the 2011 Darjeeling?

    • #5980


      I had some surprisingly good BOP Ceylon tea from Upton, it was incredibly drinkable! In fact I drank it up so fast, there’s already no more. Upton is one of my favorite companies for customer service and sheer selection. However the teas I had from Lochan, wonderful first and second flushes 2011 were even better priced. A little anyway. I’d like to order from both companies soon, although I’m tempted to order something a little different now, Keemun and Oolong, and Golden Monkey. 

    • #5981


      Rare Tea Republic has an awesome Temi First Flush:  http://www.raretearepublic.com/content/temi-sftgfop1-first-flush

      Not to mention that there are some other impressive first flush at Rare Tea Republic.

      Also, try KTeas, they have an awesome line of first flush from the Glenburn estate:  http://www.kteasonline.com/glenburndarjeeling

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