Site-Wide Activity Forums Not only tea! "Crowds on Mt Huang Shan, China" by @YaYa

1 reply, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 13 years ago
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    • #6944


      After having watched @YaYa‘s Matcha vid, I wanted to see if he had any other videos up on Vimeo. There’s not much there yet, but I did enjoy watching this video. I have no idea how he held his camera/phone up to record this while descending, but I know he made it. The guy shuffling down on his behind, that would be me. Well, it wouldn’t be me, because I wouldn’t have gone up. However, I think it’s awesome if you have the guts to do so. And I had to chuckle at the man mounting the stairs, cane in hand. Not sure if that’s going to help, but hey. Hopefully he’s still alive too. Anyway, I’ve got quite a bit of info about this precarious climb saved up in my bookmarks somewhere, must dig them out again. Really I should post those links. I’ve always been fascinated by this mountain excursion. Anyway, enjoy!

    • #6948


      Holding my phone? I don’t even own a cell phone, let alone a ‘smart’ phone (whatever that’s supposed to mean) with a camera. No, it’s done by camera and held just in front of me.
      Huang Shan is a pretty insane place. If you get off the main paths, you’re more or less by yourself, but if you approach the famous places, there are literally thousands of people. The steps cut into the mountain are very impressive (and steep). Families go up there with everyone from toddler to grandma.

      I took a bunch more video footage and should really put a clip together. That might be my next project.

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