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Site-Wide Activity › Forums › Tea Conversations › Bloggers: How often do you get word out about your posts?
Assuming you’re quite happy with other people reading your blog – how often do you advertise your posts? What I mean is, what type of marketing do you choose for your blog? Do you prefer:
a – modestly never mentioning them (hoping someone else will)
b – mentioning each post once/twice all in (crossing fingers they’ll catch that tweet)
c- mentioning new posts once, twice a day tops (until you decide to move on)
d – advertising them every three hours on autopost, day and night (for your readers’ own good.)
e – buying ad space on Prime Time TV (it’s all or nothing for you, and you’re all in.)
As to me, for my own “4 times a year blog” (ahem) I probably apply option “b.”
I tweet twice, share on google plus once in tea communities, and once to my newsletter.
The newsletter gives me the most direct visits, tweeter not much and google tea communities have a horrible response rate but I keep doing it because something is better than nothing.
So it’s like “b”.
I tweet my posts once and thar’s all.
– modestly never mentioning them (hoping someone else will)
Like Ricardo, I’m probably closest to B. I tweet my posts once as well as sharing them on Google+ and my blog’s Facebook Page. I have two newsletters, weekly and monthly digests of my blog posts.
I’m entirely full of my own importance. I can’t see why everyone doesn’t need to read my post- NOW. I tweet it once by itself and then 3 or 4 times with lists of friends, add it to Google plus, and post it on three tea groups on facebook.
After all, I have a duty to make sure that everyone benefits by reading my blog.
Also, I always check tea trade daily and read every non-review blog by everyone.
I share on facebook, twitter, and pinterest. 🙂 So c maybe…