Site-Wide Activity Forums Support and Feedback Analytics – adding statistics support

4 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Anonymous 13 years ago
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    • #6521


      Update: The below information is no longer valid. Tea Trade has gone back to using Google Analytics because it has proven to be a more robust and stable program. Details: How to get statistics for your Tea Trade blog

      We’ve been running our own detailed statistical analytics program for about 6 weeks now. The program is as powerful as Google Analytics, but far more personal since we have complete control of it. We’ve actually not used Google Analytics ever with Tea Trade. 
      Each blogger on the network now has access to their own statistics in their dashboard, however, the software I am using to create this interface for you is very experimental (almost that it shouldn’t be used on a live site…). The statistics are more powerful an detailed than anything we’ve offered before.
      In time, we may offer access to our statistics website so each of you can drill down to the specifics beyond what is displayed in your dashboard. When we do that, a user account for the site will be sent to each user individually.
      I just installed the interface and the individual websites are now being tracked in a different way than they were before. It’ll take a few days for the stats on your dashboards to fill up. Be patient and enjoy.
      Once this gets going and proves to robust enough, we will disable to current statistics since it requires an outside account for you to use it.
      I will update this topic with news about this as needed. I will also make a formal announcement on the blog when things get stabilized. There, I’ll include instructions on using and understanding your statistics.
    • #6932


      I’m looking to find out about readership on my blog. I saw this post in the forum awhile back but never actually looked for stats in the Dashboard until now. Is it there or is there any other statistics info? If not, can you give me a suggestion for tracking in WordPress?

    • #6934


      @teapages Seeing this is a good reminder about something I’ve been meaning to do.

      Our built in statistic program (an nice piece of software called Piwik), is very, very good – in fact I think it is better than Google Analytics. However, the development of the software bridge we use to connect Tea Trade (which is WordPress) to our Piwik installation hasn’t kept up with the development of WordPress. The bottom line is that while Piwik is great, our bridge is broken… 🙁

      I have come across a piece of software that allows the individual site to add their unique Google Analytics code. That one is up-to-date and works properly, but requires that everyone have their own Google Analytics account – not everyone does, or wants to.

      My initial plan was to keep all the stats tracking for everyone in house on our servers, and give access to those who were interested, but since the software is broken and our Piwik hasn’t been tracking properly — its time to revert back to Google Analytics.

      Thanks for posting this, its a good reminder for me!

    • #6982


      @teapages – I just wanted to let you know that I’ve added back in the Google Analytics support. Here’s the details on how to use it – How to get statistics for your Tea Trade blog

    • #6986


      Thanks Peter. I just added the code to my dashboard. I appreciate your help!

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