Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Conversations A tea in each port

2 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Xavier 13 years, 5 months ago
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    • #6120


      I looked at an old issue (March 96) of Bruits de Palais, the Palais des Thés magazine and I found a special promotion they had at that time: they made a 5 ports of call parcel starting at Yokohama with a Ryukucha Midori, heading then to Shanghai and a Keemun Imperial, followed by Canton and a Gold Yunnan, Calcutta and a Darjeeling Castleton 1st Flush and ending in Colombo with a Neluwa.

      So let’s play a little game: you are a ship captain and you have 7 ports of call (7 because there are 7 days in the week) on your way back (including the home port of call), what would they be and what tea would you gather there?

    • #6121


      Well, what would you choose? However, isn’t this almost the same as @thedevotea‘s forum post, he started with the seven teas question…:P

    • #6122


      Except that he asked for the best teas in the world and that I ask for teas “linked” to ports/travels.

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