Jackie posted an update 11 years, 11 months ago
Ha, the Tim Tam Slam. Perhaps not for the purest of tea lovers but @peter likes Tim Tams although we only seem to get the chocolate flavor here. @thedevotea is it true it’s Australian’s favorite “biscuit”? Anyway, suck your way to tea bliss via this cookie. http://www.wikihow.com/Do-the-Tim-Tam-Slam
Please do not refer to this as a “cookie” which is obviously a term designed for 3-year-olds. It is a biscuit with a proud history. And for the record, our Aussie Ginger Chai is the best tea for a Tim Tam Slam, though a plain Daintree works and you can get by with a rich Assam. And stylistically, the bites should be catercorner.