Jackie posted an update 12 years, 2 months ago
Good morning. Happy Halloween to those who like celebrating. I like the fun side of it, but not the lethal, gory depictions. Graveyard stones, plastic blades with ketchup? No thanks. Anyway, did you know that going trick or treating saves electrical power? No, didn’t know that? Off you go now and trick thy neighbors. Means you’re not firing up the kettle. See what happens in the UK:
[bpfb_link url=’http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/31/britain-power-halloween-idUSL5E8LV7QU20121031′ title=’
Trick or treat to reduce UK tea-time power demand
| Reuters‘ image=”]
Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:55am EDT
But less tea? That sounds like a trick not a treat.
Unless there is a peak in electricity before. To fill all those flasks for on the street.
Would the Celts (Halloween is just a reuse of one of their holy days) drink tea to celebrate it?