• peter posted an update 13 years, 2 months ago

    Tea Trade as a website and its features feel like that they’ve reached a level of parity now. I am due to install a major upgrade, but am still working through the process of installing all the various components of it. Some parts just aren’t ready yet and the developers are working on it.

    I think this is basically where I want Tea Trade to be in terms of features. There is always fine-tuning that needs to be done, but there is a certain level of accomplishment here. Now is the time to start focusing on some of the business aspects of Tea Trade–getting more members, getting more active blogs, getting more stores and getting a brand on board and hosted here.

    There are little things here and there that need tinkering that will make this easier, but you are all welcome to invite your friends to build their tea websites, stores, and blogs here. Tea Trade is really a great place. I spent some time looking around at about 8 or 9 blogs here today and was thrilled about how far we’ve come in such a short time!