Jackie posted an update 13 years, 9 months ago
Just wondering..do most of you on here know each other already? And from where? I know many of you, from Leafbox Tea or from twitter. I”m not on Steepster (Pete is), so if you’re only on there, you’re new to me. 🙂
Where do we come from? Where do we go from here?
So many philosophical questions left unanswered. 😛
You’re very silly Xavier, although I suspect it’s a “frog” thing, ha ha.
For the others: Xavier and we go back a long, long time! He’s been a fantastic supporter on Leafbox Tea right from the start.
Not to mention a friend of mine on various other online communities for about ten years now!
@jackie: it is not a froggy thing. It is a Xavier thing (which is even worst :P)
Had no idea you’re on twitter. I guess we should follow each other over there too then 🙂 Right, that’s done. You’ll see I use it a fair bit, and I’ve met lots of nice & interesting people there. That’s at @leafboxtea which we’ve had for a while and @teatrade now too.