seule771 posted an update 12 years, 11 months ago
My latest update to my blog is published if of interest to anyone.
tea blog is http://seule771.wordpress.com
I am also walking for several charities again this year and I have very little donation/support from those who actively donated last year. It seems that I am failing somehow. Anyhow, the sites are listed below…a prayer and/or donation would be greatly appreciated. Nothing by way of donation comes to me, it all goes directly to the associations. View listing:Alzheimer’s Association
http://act.alz.org/site/TR?px=5986330&pg=personal&fr_id=1859&et=wfaUPD82U_k7rUeGViYeKQ&s_tafId=12553Project Bread Walk for Hunger, current link:
http://www.projectbread.org/site/TR?px=1186581&fr_id=1180&pg=personalAIDS Action Committee, AIDS Walk link:
In support to Mitt Romney please donate or help me to raise this miserly sum for him. thank you in advance.
https://www.mittromney.com/user/seule771/fundraising/ainees-mitt-2012-donation-pageOther wise, this is it for now. I continue to remain unemployed with not much hope for a future. If this is read, thank you.