Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea Conversations Clearing the palate for tea tasting?

3 replies, 2 voices Last updated by Jackie 12 years, 8 months ago
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    • #7238


      Someone mentioned they were hosting a tea tasting shortly, and they were wondering how best to clear/clean the palate before tasting each tea. My question to you guys, do you clear/rinse before tasting different teas? What works best if you do? Or do you think it isn’t necessary?
      Thanks for your thoughts,

    • #7239


      Good question! I don’t tend to do it religiously, but if I’m going to buy large amounts of tea rather than just for pleasure, I’ll eat an apple or drink some hot water beforehand normally. There’s also a few things (for me it’s bread) which can really affect the taste of the tea – not just negatively, but sometimes a tea can have a really nice refreshing aftertaste depending on what you’ve been eating before. Maybe there’s someone out there who knows more about the science side of things?

    • #7243


      Here’s an interesting link with lots of suggestions how to taste tea. Here the recommendation is to take a small bite of bread. I would have thought that the sugar in bread would affect the tasting of the teas..?

    • #7245


      Oops, sorry @alicha here it is, on the site Tea Guardian. I hadn’t heard of this site before, but the article was interesting. Tea Tasting – a step by step guide

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