Site-Wide Activity Forums Tea News and Information Harney & Sons: Interview with Emeric Harney

2 replies, 3 voices Last updated by Xavier 13 years ago
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    • #6867


      Interesting interview with Emeric Harney, the third generation owner of tea company Harney and Sons. Tea wasn’t always his interest in life, see what came before that, and why it all changed:
      The food life: The perfect cup of tea

    • #6871


      Notable quote:

      It wasn’t until his father sat him down and said, “Emeric you can’t keep doing this, you need to figure out what it is you want to do” (insert Emeric’s imitation of his father’s voice).

      Can just imagine growing up in the family business like that and then one day having the talk with dad….

    • #6878


      @Peter you forgot to say that he had this conversation because he was a kind of dilettante (at least to his father’s eyes).

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