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24 replies, 7 voices Last updated by Anonymous 12 years, 9 months ago
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    • #7603


      ๐Ÿ™‚ There is only one thing I enjoy as much as I do tea and it’s reading!!! I’m always on the search for a new book!! What’s been a great book you’ve read lately?? or What is your favorite book??

      I’ve just recently read, Fifty Shades of Grey! I highly enjoyed it and recommend it. The second book will be released this Tuesday, April 17th and I can’t wait! (Please join my book club that some friends of mine and myself just started about a month ago!/groups/brandysbookclub/) ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #7606


      I tend to read almost exclusively fantasy. I’m currently listening to The Hunger Games on audiobook and haven’t decided yet what I think of it. I think I like it, but I’m not having the same Sucked In experience that I’ve heard about from so many others.

      If you enjoy YA books, I would recommend absolutely anything by Frances Hardinge. She gets way too little attention, really, and her stories are imaginative and well-written.

      For an example of an awesome book that isn’t YA but still fantasy, I would strongly recommend Jonathan Strange And Mr Norrell written by Susanna Clarke. I had that one on audiobook as well, and not only was it a good story, the reader was great too which definitely doesn’t hurt. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #7607


      I really got sucked into the Hunger Games! LOL!

      I love a WIDE variety of books; I will have to definitely check out Frances Hardinge.

      Iโ€™m really excited to hear that they are making Stephanie Myersโ€™, The Host into a movie. I loved that book. I did read the Twilight Series, although I wasnโ€™t a fan of the movies. Iโ€™m really hoping they can portray The Host better!

    • #7608


      I only made it through the first two of the Twilight books before I wanted to do violent things to the main characters. Those books were definitely not for me. ๐Ÿ™‚ Personally I’m looking forward to this new JK Rowling book that I’ve been hearing about recently. I’m not sure if that will be fantasy as well, I don’t think it will. But I’ll give it a go anyway, just because it’s her.

    • #7610


      I had heard that JK Rowling was coming out with a new book! I’m excited for it too! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • #7613


      I just read a book on the holocust. It’s called Alicia: My Story, it’s a true story written by Alicia herself on her journeys of living through the holocust and losing her entire family.

    • #7619


      If you like Fantasy have you tried Stephen King’s Dark Tower series? It’s kind of a fantasy western. I’ve got rather sucked into it recently…

    • #7621


      I’ve heard of those but I haven’t read them. I don’t much care for horror, so I had more or less ignored it based on the author. He so doesn’t write my sort of books. Would you say they are horror-ish or just “normal” fantasy-ish?

    • #7623


      Definitely more Fantasy than horror. As you say I was never a massive fan of his horror stuff, but I got given it as a present and it’s really suprised me…

    • #7624


      Cool. I’ll give it go, then. Thanks for the rec. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #7625


      hiphopteashop said:
      If you like Fantasy have you tried Stephen Kingโ€™s Dark Tower series? Itโ€™s kind of a fantasy western. Iโ€™ve got rather sucked into it recentlyโ€ฆ

      Oh I’ll have to check that out too! I”m always looking for something different and new to read!!! Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #7628


      Teawench said:
      Iโ€™m a huge fan of books. Iโ€™ll read just about anything including cereal boxes and the small print on everything. One book I really liked recently was Hard Spell by Justin Gustainis. Itโ€™s paranormal without the romance (bleh). If youโ€™re into fantasy, I love the Wild Cards series. Or Game of Thrones. I could go on foreverโ€ฆ

      Anyone a member of I stumbled on it a year or so ago and love it for keeping track of my thousands of books.

      @teawench I belong to goodreads, my username is brandymandycandy ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #7630


      I’m on GR as well, Angrboda there also.

      I tried the Game of Thrones series once, but never made it through the first book. There were so many characters and I lost interest really quickly when I realised that I didn’t really like any of them at all. Lately, though, I’ve been considering giving it another go. I can’t remember what went on in the part that I did read, but I do know what to expect from it. So it’s on the list, but it will take a while before I’ll get to it. I’ve decided it’s time to finish, or at least catch up, on the series I’ve already got started before taking on a new series. Currently just about in the middle of Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Shadows of the Apt series, which to my surprise I’m rather enjoying. Also getting closer to being caught up on the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. And after I’m caught up on those, I should be totally caught up on all my ongoing series. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #7635


      I never got to that point with Game of Thrones when it started to get good. I’ll definitely have to give it a second go. I own the first book already, so there’s no excuse. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Those are dangerous too, though, because sometimes you just never GET to the next one. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve managed the first two of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series, and had that same need for a break after each book as you, only after the second one I just never made it any further. That’s years ago now and then Robert Jordan passed away in the meantime, which rather broke my motivation. Some time I wonder if I ought to keep a ‘read in this order’ list to make sure I start on the next one before such a long time has passed by. I think I’m about ready to give this one a second go again, even though I’ll have to start over from the beginning. I remember I definitely was interested in some of the characters and in the story. I just sort of fell off.

    • #7648


      Oh I know. ๐Ÿ™‚ But it’s JKR, so as a Potter fan, I’m interested by default. ๐Ÿ™‚

      As for the Hunger Games, I was surprised by how much I liked it sort of towards the last half of it. Wasn’t super-impressed by the reader at times, but I got used to her. Had I had it as a book-book, though I’m not entirely convinced that I would have made it past the first third or so. All that stuff before the games got started? Super-necessary yes, but omg I just wished they would get on with it already. (Also, I have a vastly different idea of what awesomely elegant and stylish than most Panem people do, it appears… But then most of them are fairly bizarre already so perhaps that’s not a great surprise.)

      I enjoy audiobooks in general. I can listen to them while walking to and from work, or make cooking and housework endlessly less boring. ๐Ÿ™‚ Only once have I thought I ought to go out and find it as a book-book, and that was because I had only been able to get abridged versions. On the upside, those were read by Hugh Laurie, who did a fab job. They’re also good for when I’m not sure it’s something I’ll enjoy. I’ve had a few audiobooks that were completely outside my usual genre. I liked them in this format, but would never have made it through them if I’d had to put in the extra effort to read them myself.

    • #7691


      I just finished, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo…it took me quite sometime to read this book. I had to get through the first few chapter before it finally got interesting to me. Sadly I’d start reading it and put it down and start reading another book. I forced myself to finish it when it was the last book on my shelf unread LOL! I’m glad I did!

      I’m currently reading the second book to the Fifty Shades Series.

    • #7708


      @brandymandycandy – we have Stieg Larsson’s whole series here in the house. I didn’t read them @peter did but we did watch all the original language movies and the American one. I thought the movies were well made, but very gritty – not exactly a feel good type of movie. Sweden isn’t portrayed anything like the cozy Scandinavian country I think it to be.
      I’m a big thriller/mystery story fan – though since we’ve been running Tea Trade I spend most of my reading time on this site, or related to this site, or looking at tea news/other blogs/ or researching stuff I need for Tea Trade. Instead of being curled up with a good book I”m usually curled up with the laptop. But I have two books waiting to be read currently, they’re not exactly high octane stuff right now – they’re “Face down before rebel hooves” by Kathy Lynn Emerson and “Murder on the Lusitania” by Conrad Allen. I don’t know either of these writers, so we’ll see. Can they be as riveting Tea Trade?

    • #7714


      Stieg Larsson described Sweden as “it is ” and not as “we think it is”.

    • #7716


      @xavier no I don’t think Sweden is like “that.” It would be a terrible place to live in. I think you’re right of course it’s not just all cozy either. But Sweden is very beautiful with many lovely people, and I wouldn’t say that comes across in the books.

    • #7717


      @jackie Nothing is more riveting then Tea Trade ๐Ÿ˜‰

      I do recommend reading them though…I am picking up the rest of the series this week.

    • #7733


      @jackie Well Sweden has its dark side and its dark secrets (like another shinny little country like Switzerland and like any other country).
      These books just focus on these aspects and not on the nice people living there (what else do you expect from a polar?).
      And I did put ” ” around “it is”.

    • #7800


      I like to read these books here. I think they are quite good.

      I did quite enjoy that Fifty Shades of Grey you mentioned. Quite a nice little romp, though it rather pales in comparison to the steamy Victorian novels I always packed out with me on my travels…

    • #7820


      I’ll have to check out the Victorian Novels LOL! I am currently reading Primeal Fear and The Blade Itself!

    • #7825


      I mostly like things that have to do with Classic literature and history. I finished “Sister Carrie” by Theodore Dreiser recently and now am reading “Jennie Gerhardt” by the same author. 

      I did read “Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”a few months ago and the second book “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest” but have not gotten around to the final one, yet!

    • #7829


      Yeah I haven’t read the other 2 yet!! I have them, but I’m trying to finish my book for my book club (The Blade Itself) and my personal book (Primal Fear) before I start reading something else lol!

      I really don’t have a genre of books I read. I find myself reading anything from horror to chick lit or crime to science fiction.

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