Site-Wide Activity
peter posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago
@supermoon10 I just wanted to say thanks. I logged in to do some maintenance on various things for Tea Trade and looked over your blog. It’s been a long time, and I was happy to see that you occasionally stop in here to post something.
Tea Trade was forgotten by most, and I keep it online for nostalgic reasons and because it kicked off a…[Read more]
peter posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Discovered a problem with the main navigation. That is fixed now!
iheartteas wrote a new post on the site iHeartTeas 4 months, 1 week ago
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 5 months ago
Book: The Japanese Tea Ceremony
Often, small books like this aren’t really worth reviewing. At least not in terms of their informational merit and use as reference material. I picked up Continue reading
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 5 months, 1 week ago
2024 Tea Festivals
It’s been a busy couple of weeks. I attended a friend’s chamei chakai, followed back to back by three Tea Festivals—Tea Gorgeous Equinox, the Northw Continue reading
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Book: Green Gold: The Political Economy of China's Post-1949 Tea IndustryI don’t normally have to include the full subtitle of a book, but as I’ve got two books, by different authors, both titled ‘Green Gold’ (and I fully intend to Continue reading
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 10 months, 2 weeks ago
Book: The Teahouse
This book deals with a very specific topic, that of teahouse culture in Chengdu, Sichuan from the 1900s to 1950, so it’s unlikely to appeal to a broader tea e Continue reading
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 10 months, 4 weeks ago
Book: Darjeeling: A History of the World's Greatest Tea
Koehler’s descriptions paint a very visual narrative; having read several more technical, dry manufacturing guides on Sri Lankan and Indian tea processing, Continue reading
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 1 year, 1 month ago
2023 In Review
So, unfortunately the Vancouver Tea Festival was cancelled in 2022, and didn’t resurface for 2023 either. It hasn’t had a proper event since 2020, but I’ve Continue reading
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 1 year, 9 months ago
Book: Tea and Tea Dealing
Unsurprisingly, I picked this book out at the library for its blending section. I like reading first-hand, antiqued accounts of what goes into blends, and Continue reading
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 2 years ago
Book: Tea Life, Tea Mind
Having had this book sitting on my shelf for quite a while now, I kept passing it over for newer, more exciting acquisitions. I finally pulled it out to Continue reading
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 2 years, 1 month ago
Book: Tasting Qualities
This book has been on my list for a while, especially as Besky has another work out (“The Darjeeling Distinction”); but it wasn’t something I was going out of Continue reading
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 2 years, 7 months ago
I’ll usually swing back around to this blog with a pretty dire opinion of my activity, but if I can manage four posts a year (in both 2021 and 2020!), then I’m pretty happy with myself. (Even if I did read months […]
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 3 years, 1 month ago
This is part of a series of “Philosophy Of” books. I had trouble finding much on the ‘series’, but it looks like each (or most) was written by a different blogger or other influencer/social media presence. I […]
Robert Godden wrote a new post on the site Lord Devotea's Tea Spouts 3 years, 2 months ago
I’m here to say goodbye.
I just read that there is now an oyster-vending machine in my home town, and I think that’s a perfect way to introduce my last ever blog post. The oyster, that snot-textured harbinger […]
Robert Godden wrote a new post on the site Lord Devotea's Tea Spouts 3 years, 2 months ago
Well, dear fans, I, your Lord Devotea, have some news for you.
So, there’s this guy called Robert Godden. Many of you know him. I know him well. He invented me! Yes, shockingly, I am not real.
His wife […]
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 3 years, 4 months ago
I thought this was a handsome little book, and was immediately drawn to it in Chapters when it released. Flipping through it, I thought the illustrations were unique, I thought the Table of Contents was very […]
lazyliteratus wrote a new post on the site Steep Stories 3 years, 5 months ago
Almost two months have passed since my last article. In Internet years, that is almost a decade. It wasn’t like I had nothing to write about. In fact, I had several things. For example . . .
Over the course o […]
Thanks you, sir.
Gotta admit that this post made me a bit weepy. Thanks to tea, we met virtually before either of our blogs existed. Doing anything for as many years as we have takes a lot. It’s also important to know when it’s time to throw in the towel. I’m sad to see this blog come to an end, but I’ll always be a fan of your writing in whatever form it takes.
Yes, it was pretty much time to throw said towel a couple of years ago, but I held on to see what else would stick. The adhesive wasn’t that strong. Still hangin’ around the tea community, though, just as an average hobbyist. Writing will also still continue.
I consider you, Marco, one of the best voices of the new class of tea bloggers/content creators. I will still be around to see your ascent, and hopefully share more cups with you in the future.
I do remember that! Zhen Qu Gold Buds was the tea. Aaaaah, good times. I will do as you say, friend.
Sorry to hear this.
But I understand, things change and we have to change as well.
Once I thought about quitting my blog and my small tea store in Colombia, mainly for financial reasons.
Now my situation improved, so I continue them as a hobby. For most tea bloggers, maintaining their blog is probably a luxury.
Definitely a luxury of time. And I seem to have less of it, or it seems to go by faster, the older I get. Thanks for understanding!
I’m happy to hear that!
I think so, too. So many other stories to tell. I mean, there are still tea stories to tell, but not “just” tea stories. Stay tuned.
Thanks, Kelly! I’ve enjoyed some of our correspondences over weird teas. I’ll still be exploring, just not at the same output. Along with the other pursuits.
Video seems to be the way everyone is going, and I can only find comfort zone in doing that a little bit, not diving all the way in.
Thanks, Eunice, I’m glad you’ve tuned in to some of the new stuff. I do hope we encounter each other again at a tea festival in the future.
We’ll definitely see each other again, and over a cuppa. I’m sure of it.
Thanks Ron, happy to have provided a service. Of some sort.
Thanks Lu Ann. I’ve still got plenty of stories left to tell.
Likewise! And thank you. Too tall a praise from too tall a man.
AJ wrote a new post on the site Tea Stacks 3 years, 6 months ago
This is an oldy but a goody, first published in 2003, and an easy, affordable buy at most bookstores back in the day (I think I paid $5 for this off of the clearance pile at Chapter’s).
Moxham has written a few […]
lazyliteratus wrote a new post on the site Steep Stories 3 years, 6 months ago
A few years ago, I tried “Snow Shan” green tea from Vietnam . . .
And I hated it.
Okay, maybe “hate” is too strong of a word; “touchy” would be better. It was really difficult to brew. If I went out-of […]
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